Utena Dauniskis gymnasium Comenius Multilateral Partnership Budapest 03-07/12/2013 By Rita Mikužytė
Even though we are simple students school council, we also are a small organisation of young people. We organise a lot of activities in our gymnasium and beyond.
We always try to concentrate on Utena Dauniškis gymnasium students. Students council promotes youth employment, citizenship. Besides that we unite students for comment activities, encouraging gymnasium independence and creativity. Also we solve diferent problems in our school.
The birthday theme was “Horror movies”. All clasess created their own movies. Later, we all met in movies review.
Extraordinary awards hapenned in our gymnasium, where sudants were rewarded students for good learning, activeness and others things.
Secondly I will present my work during these few months.
What are my passions? What assets do I possess? Where can I use what I have? I tried answer the following questions.
I described my vision for future 50 years from now in no more than 250 words. I used relevant, examples, quotes and arguments.
“...In my opinion, our world is full of secrets. In every step we face with questions, which answers are still unanswered. I have a dream, which is one of the most biggest life‘s secrets, it is a human immortality. Today science is very advanced, but some things for peolpe are still unknown. I believe, that after 50 years, humans will come to the drugstore to buy a very expensive perfume - immortality...”