ad hoc Committee on Faculty Bylaws Todd Ellis Michelle Hendley Jimmy Johnston Michael Koch Eileen McClafferty John Relethford Renee B. Walker (Chair)
Key Points Faculty bylaws are for all faculty (includes everyone in UUP bargaining unit)-no change. Faculty Plenary Meetings-meetings of all faculty (Article V). – only name changed from Meetings to Faculty Plenary Meetings. College Senate-a subset of the Faculty Bylaws – Some changes to committees and positions.
Article IV: Officers Section 2: Presiding Officer of the Faculty (also serves as Chair of the College Senate). – will serve as Past Presiding Officer and Past College Senate Chair for one year. Section 6: Elections and Terms – Officers serve for one year terms with a six-term limit. – Can run again if off for one full term.
Article VI: Standing Committees Section 1: Standing Faculty Committees The Curriculum Committee The Library Committee The Committee on Student Life The Committee on Public Events The Faculty Business Committee The Committee on Instruction The Committee on Research The Graduate Committee The Committee on Administrative Review The Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation The Committee on Technology The Committee for Part-time Faculty Concerns The General Education Committee The Academic Calendar Committee
Article VI: Standing Committees Section 5: Curriculum Committee carry on a continuous study of undergraduate degree-granting programs and of curricular and degree requirements of such programs; inform the faculty on curriculum matters within such programs; review proposals for additions, deletions and modifications to all undergraduate curricula; study ways of evaluating all phases of the curriculum; and consist of one voting member designated by each academic department or program. The Vice-President for Academic Affairs, the Deans of the academic divisions, one representative from the Library Faculty, and one representative from areas responsible for Transfer Credit Evaluation and one representative from Academic Advisement shall be eligible to participate as ex-officio non-voting members of the Curriculum Committee. Any curricular proposal that shall impact the General Education curricula shall first be evaluated by the General Education committee with regard to impact on General Education curricula and transfer issues, and if approved, shall then be considered for final approval of this committee.
Article VI: Section 11 The Graduate Committee Part c: New graduate programs and changes to existing programs require approval of College Senate*. See Section 11 for additional changes made by the Graduate Committee. *This is to bring us up to current practice
Article VI: Standing Committees Section 16: General Education Committee carry on a continuous study of all aspects of the General Education curriculum and of transfer issues related to that curriculum at the College; inform the faculty on issues related to that core curriculum and transfer issues; stay current on SUNY requirements and other relevant trends that might affect the College’s core curriculum; be the first committee to review curricular proposals for additions, deletions, and modifications to the General Education curricula, including proposals for new programs. These shall be considered by this committee with regard to their impact on General Education curricula and transfer issues related to General Education. – If approved, the proposal shall be forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for their consideration. – This committee shall report to the College Senate on the disposition of any General Education curricular proposals it receives;
Article VI: Standing Committees Section 16: General Education Committee consist of one voting member from each attribute category (SUNY and campus specific), and one representative from the Library Faculty; Include representatives from Admissions, Academic Advisement, and the Registrar’s office as consulting members; The Vice-President for Academic Affairs, and the Deans of the academic schools/divisions shall be eligible to participate as ex-officio non-voting members of the General Education Committee; interact by liaison with other relevant committees as necessary, including the Curriculum and Instruction committees.
Article VI: Standing Committees Section 17: The Academic Calendar Committee establish the College’s academic calendar using templates provided by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs with the interests of the students, faculty, and staff in mind; be a committee consisting of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (or his/her designee), the Presiding Officer of the Faculty, the Alternate Presiding Officer of the Faculty, the President of the Student Association, and five full-time teaching Faculty members appointed by the Presiding Officer of the Faculty; the Vice President for Student Development (or his/her designee) and the College Registrar (or his/her designee) shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members; be chaired by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; meet at least once a year, with timely drafted minutes distributed to the Faculty-at-large; and forward its recommendations directly to the President of the College for approval.
Article VII: Provisions for Faculty Consultation and Shared Faculty Governance Section 4.c. When the areas of responsibility of an administrative advisory committee overlaps with that of a Standing Faculty Committee or the College Senate, it is expected that a liaison from the Standing Faculty Committee be designated to maintain communication between the committees and ensure that faculty governance is being consulted appropriately. Section 5. In the spirit of shared faculty governance, the Presiding Officer of the Faculty shall meet with the President of the College at least once a month.
Article VIII: The College Senate Section 6.a.i Composition. The Steering Committee shall consist of the Faculty Officers plus at least three at-large members elected from the official roster of Senate representatives by a majority vote for one year terms from September 1 to August 31. The President of the Student Association (or his or her designee) shall be a voting member. Additionally, the University Faculty Senator shall serve as ex-officio voting member of the Steering Committee.