Report to LDI July 23, 2010 Ray Greenberg
Agenda 1.Update on Strategic Plan 2.Leadership Transitions 3.Questions 1
Strategic Plan Premise: We Are in the Middle of a Sea Change 2
Leaving Calm Waters of Stable State Funding and Steady Growth 3
Entering Perfect Storm of Declining State Support, Impaired Endowments and Disappearing Stimulus 4
Going Forward: Success Will Require a Culture Change 5
A Time to Rethink Who we serve How we provide service Who we work with Where we seek support 6
Focus Areas Innovation/Technology Entrepreneurialism Globalization Interprofessionalism 7
Innovation/Technology (Chair: Dick Swaja) Maximize use of emerging technologies Nurture innovation Accelerate tech transfer Identify new revenue streams 8
Entrepreneurialism (Chair: Gerard Silvestri) Incentivize entrepreneurialism Center for Medical Innovation and Entrepreneurialism 10
Globalization (Chair: Lisa Saladin) Center for Global Health Sustainable funding Incentivize global activity Pursue leadership opportunities 12
Interprofessional Teamwork (Co-Chairs: Judy Dubno, Philip Hall) Promote interprofessional work through existing and new models Secure funding Centers of Excellence 13
Process for Approval Presented to Dean’s Council, VPs, selected trustees Will present to Board of Trustees 08/12/10 Will pursue further discussions about implementation with deans and working groups Will develop milestones to measure progress Will begin implementation by year’s end 14
Leadership Transitions VP Medical Affairs and Dean, COM VP Academic Affairs and Provost 15
Etta D. Pisano, MD Dean, College of Medicine National leader in mammography Former Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, UNC School of Medicine PI, CTSA Elected to Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Science 16
Mark S. Sothmann, PhD VP for Academic Affairs (Interim) Dean, CHP Chair, Funds Flow Task Force Negotiating Team on Faculty Contracts 17
Lisa K. Saladin, PT, PhD Dean, College of Health Professions (Interim) Associate Dean Award-winning educator Strategic plan leader 18
VP for Academic Affairs Search Broad-based committee Dean Stuart chairing National advertisement Interviews in Fall 2010 Appointment by Spring
Questions? 20