CCCS Updates Scott Stump, Associate Provost Career & Technical Education, CCCS
Welcome Dr. Jerry Migler Vice President – Academic Affairs/ Provost
Real Purpose Vision: Colorado CTE delivers proven pathways to lifelong career success! Mission: CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real.
Real Direction Colorado CTE provides a connected education system with seamless transitions from 6 th grade through certificate or degree attainment.
Real Direction Colorado CTE is responsive to the needs of Colorado’s employers and economy.
Real Direction Colorado CTE delivers real (authentic) learning experiences to ensure each student is postsecondary and workforce ready.
Real Purpose Vision: Colorado CTE delivers proven pathways to lifelong career success! Mission: CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real.
Questions & Answers Scott Stump Associate Provost for Career & Technical Education, CCCS