SCRF Lab and IHEP Jianping Dai On behalf of the SCRF facilities team First Mini-Workshop on IHEP 1.3GHz Superconducting RF project, June 10-11,


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Presentation transcript:

SCRF Lab and IHEP Jianping Dai On behalf of the SCRF facilities team First Mini-Workshop on IHEP 1.3GHz Superconducting RF project, June 10-11, 2009, IHEP, Beijing, China

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 1 Outline 1.Brief introduction 2.Upgrade of existing facilities 3.Development of new facilities 4.Summary

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 2 Brief introduction of SCRF The SCRF Lab was built in It was initially equipped with the fundamental facilities needed by the development of single cell SCRF cavities. Since 2005, several low beta single-cell SRF cavities have been treated and tested in this lab.

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 3 1st: CP(100  m)+HPR(2hr.)+Baking(120 ℃ 2nd: CP(50  m)+HPR(2hr.)+Baking(120 ℃ 3rd: CP(20  m)+HPR(3hr.)+Baking(120 ℃ 4th: 5th: warm up and fast cooling Low beta SC-02

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 4 1st: BP(20  m)+CP(80  m)+Anealing+CP(80  m)+HPR(1.5hr.)+Baking(120 2nd: CP(100  m)+HPR(2hr.)+Baking(120 ℃ 3rd: Only evacuation after transfered from IHEP to 4th: EP(80  m+3  m)+HF+HPR+Baking(120 ℃ Low beta SC-03

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 5 Large grain Nb LL single cell cavity

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 6 To meet the 9-cell cavity requirement for surface preparation and vertical tests, the 1.3 GHz SCRF program will significantly improve the facilities. Besides the upgrade of the clean room and the ultra-pure water system, several new facilities will be developed.  CBP (tumbling) machine for 9-cell cavities (ZHAI Jiyuan)  HPR facility for 9-cell cavities (LI Zhongquan)  BCP facility for 9-cell cavities (DAI Jianping)  Pretuning machine for 9-cell cavities (HOU Mi)  New dewar and related devices for vertical tests  Helium recycling system for vertical tests based on the BEPCII cryogenic plant, or a brand new vertical test stand near the horizontal test stand  T-mapping and cavity inner surface inspection tools

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 7 Upgrade of the existing facilities (I) The height of the roof was increased to 3.5m from 2.5m, to host the new HPR machine All the filters were changed. AAF filter, the efficiency The floor was improved

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 8 Upgrade of the existing facilities (II) 1200L Parameters of the Ultra pure water 18  0.2M  -cm, 8 ~ 20L/min, 1200L

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 9 Upgrade of the existing facilities (III) Cavity mount stage 3m×4.4m×5.2m, >4m, Three cavities

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 10 Development of the new facilities (I) CBP (tumbling) machine for 9-cell cavities is under fabrication. Old CBP machine for single cell cavities

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 11 Development of the new facilities (II) The new HPR machine for 9-cell cavities is under design. Old HPR machine for single cell cavities Fermilab HPR ( ANL ) Water Pressure :adjustable 150Kg/cm 2 (Max) , Maximu Flow: 21L/min

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 12 Development of the new facilities (III) Old BCP by hand for single cell cavities

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 13 New BCP for 9-cell cavities Main parameters of the machine It takes a bout 2 hours to cool acid down to 12 OC It takes 5-10 minutes to pump 100 liters of acid into the gravity feed bank. It takes less than 1 minute to fill or discharge the 100 liter process tank. The cooling system can remove up to 2KW of heat generated during the process (the expected normal power generation does not exceed 1kW) The maximum acid flow is ~2 tons/hour Hydrofluoric (HF), Nitric(HNO 3 ), Orthophosphoric (H 3 PO 4 )

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 14

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 15 Development of the new facilities (IV) Pretuning machine for 9-cell cavities Longitudinal precision: 2um Maximum force: 10KN ( 1000Kgf ) Maximum movement: 6mm Minimum movement: 2um

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 16

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 17 STF 17 About the Kyoto camera system (Mass-production model) Characteristic of Kyoto camera system * The high resolution image can be taken. * The wall gradients of inner surface can be measured to use the Strip line EL illuminator. (Judgment of Pit or Bump is possible) * The heights or depths can be estimated by measured wall gradients for some well-conditioned defects. Max wall gradient ±20 degree. Schematic drawing of the wall gradient measurement

1st Mini-Workshop on 1.3GHz cavity, June 10-11, Beijing 18 Thanks !