Physical Education Daniel Conn KINS 377 April
Topics of Discussion Why it is important for children to be physically active Disorders and risks for non-active students What students will be expected to learn in Physical Education class Healthy eating habits Activities that can be done in homes
Why is Physical Education Important? A healthy and active body helps to prevent disorders and sicknesses Builds a stronger mind in the classroom Builds a more positive attitude Skills are taught for a lifetime
Regular Physical Activity Reduces the Risk of… Coronary Heart Disease Hypertension Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes Colon Cancer Reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression Osteoporosis (US Department of Health and Human Services, 1996).
Regular Physical Activity contributes to… Healthier bones Healthier muscles Healthier joints Helps control weight (US Department of Health and Human Services, 1996).
Healthy Bones VS Weak Bones
Physical Fitness and Exercise Facts 60% of the U.S. population does not exercise regularly. Skin fold measurements for body fat are significantly higher in today's youth than in measurements taken in the 1960s. About 50% of today's youth do not receive "appropriate physical activity An average physical education student attends classes 3.6 days per week: most students in elementary grades take classes only 1 or 2 days a week; only 36.3% of 5th- through 12-graders take daily classes. =&h=338&w=509&sz=60&hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid=2TR1g0u2Eg30DM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhealthy%2Bbones%2Band%2Bmuscles%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3 DG%26um%3D1
Learning in Physical Education class Skills – locomotor, manipulative, and non- manipulative Rules and how to play assorted sports Good behavior is taught Sportsmanship is taught How to stay fit and active outside of school
Skills are taught for a lifetime Physical educators are to teach basic up to advanced skills that last a lifetime Locomotor skills such as: running, hopping, skipping, galloping, sliding, jumping, etc. (Colvin, Markos, Walker, 2008).
Skills are taught for a lifetime Manipulative skills such as: striking, rolling, throwing, catching, passing, dribbling, etc. (Colvin, Markos, Walker, 2008).
Skills are taught for a lifetime Non-manipulative skills such as: twisting, balancing, pushing, pulling, etc. (Colvin, Markos, Walker, 2008).
Physical Education Importance to Children The importance of active participation is crucial in the elementary school What they learn in elementary school will only be continued throughout their lives It is important to set a nice and steady background for children Parents and teachers alike must encourage, set good examples and direct children in the right ways
How to Stay Fit and Active Outside School Limit television time Limit video games Walk to friends houses rather than riding in a car Ride a bike to school Encourage children to play outside rather than indoors
Healthy Eating Buy less fast food for meals Cooked meals at home are more nutritious Buy more fruits and vegetables while shopping Lower the intake of fats and oils Be a role model for children and their eating habits Set good eating portions
Ways to encourage children to eat healthier Involve the children while preparing foods Allow children to invite friends over for dinner Keep mealtime calm and congenial Have everyone pick or settle on different foods While shopping for foods, have children look at food labels for proper choices Pack a school lunches Always praise your chef! (Nemours, 2009).
Activities Outside of School Recreational sporting events such as: basketball, baseball/softball/tee-ball, soccer, tennis Go to a playground a couple days a week for activity Hiking or camping Swimming at your local pool Canoeing or other water sports
Building a Stronger Mind Clubs, sports, art, and music offer athletic and creative opportunities for your child. With your guidance, let him select activities that he's interested in. Set him up to succeed by doing your homework before signing up. For all extracurricular activities, collaborate with group leaders and coaches about your child's learning difficulties. The leader will be able to work with him more effectively, and he'll learn that a learning difficulty is not something to hide. Try always to build your child’s self-esteem with encouragement and motivation (GreatSchools Inc., 2008).
Activities at Home Ask your child to help with yard work such as: raking leaves, picking up sticks and rocks Have chores set per week such as: cleaning his/her room, taking out the trash, vacuuming, washing dishes, etc. Ask your child to help with certain projects around the house such as: painting, carpentry, or building something Let your child teach you or others things: kids naturally love to teach and help others.
Parents, get out there and encourage your children. It starts at home with YOU!