ITA’s Mission: To advocate the value of tourism in Indiana’s economy and support the best practices of its destination marketing organizations.
Indiana Tourism Association: Began in 1980 Led by volunteers Hired an ED three years ago Name change and diversification in 2014 Caters to DMOs
What is tourism?
Being 50 miles away from home Connecting with family/friends Experiencing new things Visiting tried/true Happens everywhere Affects everyone
DMOs Roles and Responsibilities: Old thinking: Silo It’s “MY MONEY.” Our project is best. Advertising is the most important role. Tourism is “fluffy” stuff, not real economics. New thinking: Entire farm It’s “OUR MONEY.” Let’s measure what’s best. Product development & robust advertising – both. Let’s explore what makes up tourism here. Tourism is economic development.
DMO Strategies for the Future Will be more involved in broader economic-development projects and initiatives Will connect visitor experience with the quality of life of residents in their community Will take on a great role as cultural champion of their destination Will form more strategic alliances outside the DMO industry Will have a greater role in policy and product development Will engage more closely with nontraditional stakeholders in their destination
Life is not a solo act. It is a huge collaboration. -- Tim Gunn