ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2007-2013 Annual Conference and Contact Forum “Strategic Cooperation- United by Borders Silja Sorgus Estonian.


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Presentation transcript:

ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme Annual Conference and Contact Forum “Strategic Cooperation- United by Borders Silja Sorgus Estonian Ministry of the Interior 16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

Maturity of cooperation 16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg 6. Implementation- Joint implementation of actions, efficient joint management, fulfillment of requirements by each partner 5. Decision- Binding commitment of partners, partnership agreements 4. Strategy/planning- Defining joint objectives and developing concrete actions 3. Coordination/ Representation- Creating a joint partnership structure, first allocation of functions and roles 2. Information- Developing (targeted) exchange of information, building basic cooperation structures, shaping cooperation ideas 1. Meeting- Getting to know each other, learning about motivation, interests, needs, skills, expectations, cultural and structural aspects./Beck/

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg Joint Regional Development

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg Business environment: -Industrial economy (based on oil shale; producing energy, fuel, chemicals etc) -SPA-tourism -Transit and logistic -Low business activity Social challenges (integration, health, education) Environmental challenges (industrial economy) North-East region

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg R&D potential  research institutions´ cooperation with business sector Natural resources (wood)  traditional industries (ecological food, wood and furniture industry) Culture meets business (traditional handicraft) Tourism and recreation South-Estonia region

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg Manufacturing food products and building materials Need to develop relevant entrepreneurship and education Potential for recreation and social care services Central-Estonia region

Our expectations towards projects… Large Scale Projects:  Extensive action plan and budget as well as expected results  Important topics like environmental situation of the Lake Peipsi, border crossing, historical-cultural objects  State institutions play crucial role  Looking for close cooperation with different stakeholders to achieve the expected results 16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

Our expectations towards projects… Open Calls for Proposals: 1st Open Call  25 approved projects in different fields like  Transport  E-governance  Tourism  Environmental care and education  Archaeology  Cultural traditions  Health and social care  Etc …but no approved projects in the sphere of improving business environment and energy efficiency. 16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

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Towards fruitful cross-border cooperation!!! Silja Sorgus Estonian Ministry of the Interior November 2011/ St. Petersburg