INTERACTIVE TEXT Path Stream Path Path StreamStream
You are standing in a dark forest glade. Ahead lies a small pathway. Behind flows a quiet stream. PathStream
The pathway is narrow and thinly moss covered. Not many people seem to have passed this way. ContinueGo Back
The quiet track gradually narrows. Branches make walking difficult. In the distance appears to be an aging sign. Perhaps it’s best to turn back. Go Back
A small row boat is tied loosely to an overhanging branch. Across on the other side stands an old barn. A short way along the near bank is a stone wall. Go BackWallBoat
The crumbling wall has seen many attacks from wind and rain. The old grey stones reflect no light. Go BackClimb Wall
It’s a slippery climb, but you make it! There, on the other side, are some oars - they seem to be in good order. Pick up OarsGo Back CONTENTS
Unfortunately the boat has no oars in it and the water is too swift for swimming. There are a few footprints around that look fairly recent. Upstream a small plume of smoke is rising lazily. Go BackUpstream
You are standing in a dark forest glade. Ahead lies a small pathway. Behind flows a quiet stream.
The pathway is narrow and thinly moss covered. Not many people seem to have passed this way. You wonder whether to turn back, or continue on.
A small row boat is tied loosely to an overhanging branch. Across on the other side stands an old barn. A short way along the near bank is a stone wall. CONTENTS
The quiet track gradually narrows. Branches make walking difficult. In the distance appears to be an aging sign. Perhaps it’s best to turn back. CONTENTS
You are standing in a dark forest glade. Ahead lies a small pathway. Behind flows a quiet stream.pathwaystream
The pathway is narrow and thinly moss covered. Not many people see to have passed this way. You wonder whether to turn back, or continue on. turn backcontinue on
A small row boat is tied loosely to an overhanging branch. Across on the other side stands an old barn. A short way along the near bank is a stone wall. RETURN
The quiet track gradually narrows. Branches make walking difficult. In the distance appears to be an aging sign. Perhaps it’s best to turn back.turn back CONTENTS