Our Country and Its People Unit 6, Lesson 2 Our Country and Its People Unit 6, Lesson 2 Open Court 2002 Phrase-cued Fluency Practice Linda Day Crowville Middle School
To the Teacher: Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately and quickly. It is important because it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. Studies have shown that even when students recognize many words automatically, their oral reading still may be expressionless, not fluent. To read with expression, readers must be able to divide the text into meaningful chunks. These chunks include phrases and clauses. Studies also suggest that there is a close relationship between fluency and reading comprehension. Some readers may recognize words automatically in isolation or on a list, they may not read the same words fluently when the words appear in sentences in connected text. Fluency develops gradually over considerable time and through substantial practice* The following slides are phrases taken from each story in Unit 6, Our Country and Its People. (Open Court 2002) * From Put Reading First—K-3 (Fluency) NIFL
loved to visit
over one hundred years ago
took a train
joined up with other travelers
must have followed us
jumping in the river
by the time
would bring lots of business
all these people
came to the village
had shops on both sides
moved into the house
people who stayed
on it came
and then what
when I was five