Sample Close Reading Lesson ELA – Close Reading: “The Making of a Scientist” (Liben) commoncore.america
As you watch, please create a T-chart Teacher Actions Words Students Actions Words
Sharing What is the level of student engagement? How do all students access the text? What does the teacher do to support all learners?
Helping Students Read Closely Observed in lesson What I am already doing ! What I need to do ? Questions about the document
Formative Assessment of the Standards Used to give students feedback regarding their progress with standards/objectives Used to guide instructional planning
Standards from the Lesson RI5.1 - Quote accurately from a text when explaining and drawing inferences; RI5.4 -Determine the meaning of general academic and domain specific words and phrases; RI5.8 - Explain how an author uses evidence to support particular points; W5.9 - Draw evidence from informational text to support analysis; SL5.1 - Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions.
Assessment Question “Pick one of the examples that Feynman uses in his piece (dinosaurs, birds, wagon) and in 2-3 paragraphs explain both the example and the lesson Feynman’s father was trying to teach him.” What standard(s) is being assessed? Source
Assessment Resources
Other Formative Assessments? How else might we assess the standards targeted in this lesson? Your ideas?