Leadership Team Meeting April 17, 2013
Bellringer How do you use formative assessment grades in your classroom or building?
Clear Learning Goals 1.Communicate student achievement through summative assessments not through practice and formative assessments (learning process). 2.Utilize the most recent achievement evidence to determine grades. 3.Create text dependent questions to go with the accompanying passage.
Close Reading Reach Associates
Close Reading Reach Associates
Close Reading and Text-Dependent Questions Attributes of Close Reading lessons: Selection of a (brief), high quality, complex text Individual reading of the text Rereading the text Text-based questions and discussion that focus on discrete elements of the text Discussion among students Writing about the text
Close Reading – Demonstration Lesson I Have a Dream – Excerpt Analyzing Text Dependent Questions
Text Dependent Questions… Are questions that can only be answered with evidence from the text Can be literal but can also involve analysis, synthesis, evaluation Focus on word, sentence and paragraph as well as larger ideas, themes or events Focus on difficult portions of text in order to enhance reading proficiency Do not rely on students possessing background knowledge or experiences to answer
Text Dependent? Is there equality for all in 2013? What evidence do you have to support your claim? In paragraph 3, Kings leads us to understand who he is speaking of when he talks of equality. Based on his words in this paragraph, who is he referring to? Was there ever a time you were treated unfairly? How did it make you feel? 9
Text Dependent? Based on this passage, what is King’s dream for his children? State it in your own words. What imagery is being created in the fourth paragraph? What figurative language is used to create this image? What would you have done if you were in the crowd hearing Dr. King’s speech? 10
Close Reading – Demonstration Lesson I Have a Dream – Excerpt Multiple Reads
Create Some Text Dependent Questions Framing TDQs Ask why the author chose a particular word Analyze the impact of the syntax of a sentence Collect evidence like a detective on a case Tests comprehension of key ideas and arguments Look for pivot points in a paragraph Track down patterns in a text Notice what’s missing or understated Investigate beginnings and endings of texts Analyze how portions of the text relate to each other/ the whole ?
Non-Text Dependent Questions Are books without pictures or conversations useful? How would you react if you saw a talking rabbit? Would Alice have followed the rabbit down the hole had she not seen it look at a watch? What do you know about Lewis Carroll? 13
Text Dependent Questions Why wasn’t Alice “burning with curiosity” when she initially saw the rabbit? What subsequent events led to her feeling this way? In the opening paragraph Alice states “what is the use of a book… without pictures or conversation?” What does that sentence reveal about her? 14
Text Dependent Questions What details about the rabbit catch Alice’s eye in the third paragraph? Around what word does the meaning of the third paragraph pivot? How does that change the initial meaning of the paragraph and channel it in a new direction? 15
Summer DILT Meeting Dates July 24 & 25 8:30-3:30 Central Elementary Library
Work New Science Standards PGES – Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Unit Plans Common Assessment Standards Based Grading Continue Literacy Work
Exit Slip Which grading fix did you select to implement this year in your classroom & why?