+ Be Smarter Than Your Series: Coaching to the PA Core with a Reading Series PIIC Statewide Conference January 13, 2015 Terri Lewis, Ed.D., PIIC Mentor, IU 13 Kim Kichline, Instructional Coach, IU 13
+ Are you smarter than your series?
+ Are we aligned? Curriculum Assessment Instruction
+ What happens when we fail to plan with the end in mind?
+ What’s our end goal?
+ Do our goals align to the PA Core? Journeys Grade 3 Identify a story’s character, setting, and plot (T26) Organize story details in a story map (T26) Kindergarten Standard (CC.1.3.K.C) With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story. Grade 1 Standard (CC C) Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. Grade 3 Standard (CC C) Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
+ Aligning Goals Journeys Objectives Identify a story’s characters setting and plot. Organize story details in a story map. PA Core Standard (CC C) Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. PA Core Learning Goal: Students will explain how a character’s actions contribute to the sequence of events in a story.
+ Let’s try it… Choose a literacy objective from your reading series or a unit from your curriculum. With which standard does it most closely align? Revise the objective to a learning goal or lesson EQ that reflects the PA Core Standard.
+ What text? Does the text provided adequately address this standard? Is it at the appropriate text complexity level for the students with whom you are teaching? Is it interesting and worthy of close and careful reading?
+ How will you know students met the learning goal? How is this standard assessed in sample items? MC- 13. How does Laura’s sadness lead to the next event in the passage? SA- 18. How does the interaction between the family and Mr. Hanson lead to other events in the passage? Use information from the passage to support your answer. Sample Task: How does Tilie’s conversation with Mr. Keene lead to the solution of the story? After reading A Fine, Fine School, write a paragraph in which you describe Tillie. Explain how Tillie’s actions contribute to the solution of the story.
+ Let’s try it… Based on your revised PA Core Learning Goal, write a sample assessment task that will guide your instruction.
+ Planning for Instruction What do students need to know and be able to do to complete this task? What do they already know are are they already able to do? What are the essential understandings of the text?
+ What instruction? What instruction needs to take place for students to accomplish this task successfully? What instruction is suggested from the series? Would this instructional sequence get the students to the level the standard demands?
+ Reading Street Instruction
+ What do teachers need to know to align to PA Core? Align goals Align assignments and assessments Align instruction
PIIC 4 Quadrants One-on-one and small group support Collecting and analyzing data Using evidence-based literacy practices Supporting reflective and non-evaluative practice
+ Think and Reflect Where are your teachers on the continuum of understanding the strengths and limitations of the curriculum materials they utilize? What is the first step you could take to coach them?