Learning from Major Accidents and Crises Professor Eric Stern and Edward Deverell CRISMART
Collaboration with CRISMART CM Europe Program CM Europe ’Before’ ’During’ ’After’ Sponsored by MSB (SRV/KBM) Focus on major accidents/man-made and natural disasters
Key research questions/aims? To what extent and how do public and private sector organizations learn from critical events? Why do actors, cases and contexts exhibit different patterns of learning and change in response to critical events? Contribute to the growing scientific literature on crisis accountability and learning Identify candidate ’best practices’ for crisis evaluation and learning
Research design and method Multiple methods Comparative case studies Case pairs Additional case studies Literature and conceptual studies Primary empirical foci: Natural disasters, Critical infrastructure failures, Public order and law enforcement
Project-related publications Governing After Crisis (Cambridge UP) 2 published dissertations (Nohrstedt and Hansen), 1 approved (Deverell) Dissertation ms (Koreus) 18 published articles in international journals and volumes 15 conference papers 9 Studies and working papers
International and national cooperation Cooperation and exchanges with universities in the USA, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Australian and Japan among others. Close and ongoing cooperation with SRV, KBM, MSB, Regeringskansliet, EU and local/regional government Conference ”Learning from Crises and Major Accidents ” (FHS May ) 150 particpants (leading scholars, practitioners) televised by SVT Extensive educational, training and analytical support activities
Some scientific results Problematizing simplistic before, during and after conceptualizations of the relationship between crisis and earning. Intra vs inter-crisis learning Issue context and advocacy coalitions Intra and inter-organizational learning Internal/external pressure Organizational vs policy learning Framing is key: threat/opportunity Leadership orientation (conservative vs reformist) Policy entrepreneurship Bringing knowledge management in
8 december, 2009 Eric Stern Towards best practice and research implementation: an example British HPA/EU DG SANCO seminar on pandemic evaluation CRISMART’s Ten Top Tips for Crisis Evaluators