Synthetic Aperture Radar at The Alaska SAR Facility Chris Wyatt Data Specialist (907) 474-7312
Overall Mission The Alaska SAR Facility provides satellite data, software tools and information to the science community and government operational agencies in support of polar research and earth science.
What is SAR? Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an active remote sensing technology that uses microwave energy to illuminate the surface. The system records the elapsed time and energy of the return pulse received by the antenna. At wavelengths of about 2 cm, these instruments can collect data about the Earth’s surface day or night, regardless of cloud cover.
Backscatter Definition: the amount of energy returned to the receiver, which determines the brightness of the pixel Backscatter is a function of: wavelength and incidence angle of the radar signal roughness and dielectric constant of the reflecting surface
Applications of SAR Sea ice characteristics Flooding Archaeology Ocean circulation Wetlands Structural geology Land cover Volcanology Glaciology Phytoplankton distribution Soil moisture Crustal deformation
ASF User Community Worldwide user community 170+ projects Multiple principle investigators Graduate students Undergraduate students Interns Sun workstations and SGIs
Foreign Missions Supported
SAR User Tools Development Status
EOS-HDF data available at ASF Current data availability SAR imagery is available only in CEOS format Derived products (GPS products) are available in custom binary or ascii formats Future plans ASF would like to support EOS-HDF formatted SAR imagery products - this will most likely occur when the ECS is installed at ASF ASF currently assessing applicability of EOS-HDF for RGPS products (ice motion, ice age, ice thickness, open water fraction, melt onset/freeze up, wind/temp/pressure field products)