CINAHL DATABASE FOR HINARI USERS: nursing and allied health information (Module 7.1)
CINAHL DATABASE FOR HINARI USERS Instructions - This course is a PowerPoint demonstration intended to emphasize skills on how to use CINAHL (Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature) as a tool to identify articles on health- related subjects. The module is off-line and is intended as an information resource for reference use.
Table of Contents Background and Access to CINAHL Interface Overview: MY EBSCOHOST Account, Search Boxes, Limits, Buttons Using CINAHL to Search: Basic Concepts, Sub- headings, Advanced Concepts, Combining Sets, Results Display, Limiting Search Results Saving Results: Creating/Saving Folders, Printing, s and Exporting Results, Saving and Retrieving Search History and Creating Alerts
Background CINAHL (Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature) provides indexing for 2,960 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. It offers complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses’ Association. The Index covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/ complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.
Before logging into the Partner Publisher services websites, we will Login to the HINARI site using the URL
Repeat the Login process on this 2 nd page and you will be redirected to the HINARI Contents page.
Remember - If you fail to use the Login page, you will have a second option on the Content page. We now will open the Database and article searching page.
From the Databases and Article searching page, we will click on the CINAHL link. This database provides indexing for 2,960 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health including many journals that can be accessed from HINARI.
From the initial CINAHL page, we will create an EBSCO Host account. Click on the Sign Into MY EBSCOHost link. Note: You will need to save the citations from you search and, for access to the articles, go to the Full-text journals, databases and other resources page of HINARI.
Initially click on the Create a new Account link. After another screen is displayed, fill in the required information for a new account. Enter the information by clicking on the Submit button. Note: Make sure you save your User Name and Password.
This slide confirms that Your account has been created using your User Name. Click on Continue to go to the initial CINAHL Search page.
We now will complete a search using the Select Subject Terms option. We will activate/click on the Select Subject Terms box, enter chloroquine in the Search box and then click on Search. Our topic question is: Is chloroquine still the most effective treatment for malaria in Africa or should sulfadoxine- pyrimethamine become the drug of choice? For the best use of the Select Subject Terms option, limit your search to one search box.
To see more details on the Subject Heading for chloroquine, you can select the link, display the Subject Heading plus all the Qualify(ing) Subheadings. By clicking on the boxes of the specific Subheadings, this can be used to further limit your CINAHL search. Also displayed is the scope note for the subject heading if it is available.
We are now in “Term view” To see more details on the subject heading chloroquine, we have clicked on the link and displayed the Subject Heading plus all the Qualify(ing) Subheadings. By clicking on the boxes of the specific Subheadings, this can be used to further limit your CINAHL search. The position of the subject heading in the subject heading tree view can be displayed by clicking the linked term. We can also Browse for Additional Terms
We can also Browse for Additional Terms. Type in your term chloroquine and select Browse. Note your previously selected search terms are retained.
We have browsed and found Results for: chloroquine. We now will click on the Explode option and then the Chloroquine subject box. To complete the search, we will click on Search Database. Note: the Explode option allows you to include all the articles that are assigned terms at more specific levels.
For the chloroquine MH (subject) search, we have identified 270 articles. We can use the Refine Results to Narrow or Limit the results. Refining the results by Source Types and selecting Periodicals would limit the results to journal articles that could be accessible via HINARI.
We now will look at how to combine two subjects in a search. Again using the Suggest Subject Terms option, we will enter the term sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, and click on Search.
Although not always the case, this drug is a combination of two CINAHL subject headings. For this search, we will click on the boxes for both Pyrimethamine and Sulfadoxine and then Combine selections with AND option. Then, we will click on Search Database.
We have displayed the 80 results for the subject terms Pyrimethamine and Sulfadoxine search. Note that the search is in Date Descending order although there are other options in the drop down menu.
We have returned to the original Chloroquine subject search to review the Basic Search options. For a more precise or limited search, we have added the Journal Article (Publication Type) and English (Language) Limits. You can also limit by Published date Note : you can choose multiple options although this could make the search results number too limited in scope.
The search now is reduced to 66 results. The new limits are listed in the Search Options column.
We have displayed our CINAHL subject Search results. You can view the results for the combined Pyrimethamine and Sulfadoxine (subject heading) search and also the previous Chloroquine one. In the right column, you can View Results, Edit search and View Details for these searches. We now will click the check boxes for these two searches (S1 and S2) and select the Search with AND option.
The combined S1 and S2 search has identified 16 articles for Pyrimethamine AND Sulfadoxine AND Chloroquine (S3). We will click on View Results.
We have displayed the 16 articles from the combined CINAHL subject search. If these articles are of interest, you could save them by clicking on the Add to Folder hyperlink. Reminder: you will need to access HINARI to identify if the full text articles are available.
Clicking this link will bring you back to the search page and automatically clear any terms in the search boxes Lists all of the publications available in CINAHL. Browse by alphabetical order, or search for a specific journal using the Browse search box. Each of the records shows both the title, as well as the time span of the publication that is covered by CINAHL. So if you are looking the reference of an article in the journal published before the time period specified, you will not be able to find it. The controlled vocabulary system used in the CINAHL database, much like the “MeSH Headings” for PubMed. In short, using controlled vocabulary allows you to do much more effective and exhaustive searches than your typical keyword searches. Allows you to search for articles that cite a particular article or author. This search is limited to those articles found in CINAHL. This is a good way to quickly find where a particular article has been cited after it has been published. If you mouse over the “More” link, you can see a drop-down menu of more search options. Of note is the “Citation Matcher” search. This is similar to the popular “Single Citation Matcher” feature in PubMed. If you have a known article, this is the fastest way to locate its record in CINAHL. Remember that not all articles can be found in CINAHL. If you do not find what you want try PubMed. This and the next slide describe how to use the various Buttons available in CINAHL.
Discussed in a previous slide The “Folder” link is where you access most of the personalization features, such as your saved searches, saved alerts, saved records, etc. Allows you to check in to see what’s new on the EBSCO platform. This is the link to EBSCO databases support. It allows you to teach yourself how to use all EBSCO databases to their maximum potential. Logs you out of CINAHL.
We now will look at options for saving searches in CINAHL. We have accessed the Results for Chloroquine AND Pyrimethamine AND Sulfadoxine search. We now will click on the Add hyperlink for 5 articles. We have placed these citations in the default MY Folder. Finally, we will click on the Go to: Folder View hyperlink. Note: you also have the option to Remove results from the Folder.
From the My Folder: Articles display, the 5 saved articles are noted. In this folder, you can Select/deselect all and Delete (individual) Items. We will go to the My Custom option and click on New to create a folder to store the articles permanently. Note also the Print, , Save and Export icons.
In the Create New Folder page, we will add Chloroquine+ as a new Folder Name and click on Save.
Returning to My Folder, we will Select all the articles and click on the Move To/Chloroquine+ option. This will move the 5 articles to the My Custom/Chloroquine folder. Note that you have Delete Items, Copy To and Move to options for the citations in the original My Folder: Articles list.
Note that we now have 0 result list items in your My Folder: Articles with all the citations now in the Chloroquine+ folder under My Custom.
To print your results, click on the printer icon. Choose from the printing options suggested. You can choose to remove items from folder after printing if you want. Then click to print. To , click on the mail icon. There are some similar options regarding the format. Fill out the information and once done click on “Send”. To save the references to a separate file, click on the disk icon. Again there are some similar format options here. You can also choose to include HTML links to articles in the saved file. Once the selections have been made click on Save. While saving, ing and printing search results can be useful in their own ways, if you have a citation management tool such as EndNote or RefWorks it makes for easy manipulation of these references in the future. If you want to export to a citation manager use the export icon and select the citation manager that you have access to. This slide describe how to use the Printing, ing Saving and Exporting References Buttons available in CINAHL. We will look at these options.
We have opened the Chloroquine Articles folder and also will click on the Select all option for the 5 articles. Finally, we will click on the Save to File icon.
In the Save Manager mode, we will Include when saving the following options: HTML links(s) to articles(s) and Standard Field Format and click on the Save icon.
Note that the 5 article(s) will be saved. Listed in the text are instructions on how to save the file from a web browser including options for saving as a plain text file (.txt) or a plain HTML/Web page (.html). You will be able to save this file on the computer’s C: drive, a flash drive or CD-Rom.
We now have clicked on the icon and accessed the Manager mode. We have entered an address and Subject and clicked on the Send icon. Note: if you click on Continue, you will return to the My Folder.
We have displayed some of the results in the message sent by EbscoHost. This option is useful when you do not have a flash drive or CD-Rom or want to send the search information to a colleague. Note: you will need each article’s citation information to locate the full-text in HINARI.
In My Folder, we have activated the saved search and entered the Search History/Alerts option. You now have options to Print Search History, Retrieve Searches, Retrieve Alerts and Save Searches/Alerts. We will click on the Save Searches/Alerts link.
On the Save Searches/Alerts page, we will enter a Name of Search/Alert (Chloroquine+) and Description (Chloroquine with Pyrimethamine AND Sulfadoxine) and click on Save.
In My Folder: Saved Searches, the recently saved search is displayed. It also is noted in the My Folder/Saved Searchers list. We now will click on the Retrieve Saved Search hyperlink. Note that you have the Select/deselect all, Delete Items and Move To options.
For the recently saved search, the Search Terms, and previously assigned Search Options are listed. In the Actions column, you have Rerun, Revise Search and View Details options. Note: any other saved searches also will be displayed.
We have returned to the Save Searches / Alerts page and will set up an Alert for this search. We have clicked on Save Search As Alert, with a Once a month Frequency, Articles Published within the last One Year, Run Alert for One Year and Brief Alert results format. Go to the next slide for the remaining Alert options.
To complete this Alert, we have added an Address, chosen Plain Text Results format and clicked on the Include in Query and Frequency boxes. Finally, we will click on Save.
This slide confirms that the Alert has been created and lists the various options that have been chosen. Remember that you must be signed into your MyEBSCOhost account to save searches or alerts.
This message is the EBSCOhost Alert Notification for the recently created alert. Note the Alert Name: Chloroquine+, Database: CINAHL, Run Alert For: One Year with a Frequency: Monthly.
In order to access the full-text articles from a CINAHL search, we will need to return to the HINARI Contents page. Note the You are logged in message. This confirms that you will have access to the HINARI full-text articles.
We will proceed to locate one of the journal articles from the search – A Trial of Combination Antimalarial Therapies in Children from Papua New Guinea. Karunaajewwa, HA & Others; New England Journal of Medicine, 2008 Dec 11; 359(24): Click on ‘N’ from the Journal collection A-Z list.
Next, we will click on the hyperlink to the New England Journal of Medicine. Note that the green box confirms that you will have access to the full-text articles.
We have entered the Issues Index and will click on the link to the 2008 issues.
From the 2008 issues page, we will click on the link to Vol. 359, No. 24.
After entering the specific issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, we have scrolled down the table of contents page and located the article. We now click on the link the PDF version.
This is the initial page of the pdf file of the article A Trial of Combination Antimalarial Therapies in Children from Papua New Guinea. This is the end of CINAHL Database for HINARI Users. There is a workbook to accompany this module. The workbook will take you through a live session covering the topics included in this demonstration with working examples. Updated