NTfW Annual Conference 2010: Transforming Skills Delivery in Wales ‘Skills for the Future in Work Based Learning’ Michelle Creed, Director Wales Mark Isherwood, Sector Manager Wales Lifelong Learning UK
Workshop Structure
Lifelong Learning UK The role of Sector Skills Councils (SSC) working across the UK Labour market intelligence Standards, qualifications and apprenticeships Sector Specific Solutions - Employer engagement
Employer Engagement LLUK UK COUNCIL CL&DFEWBLHELAIS 2 CL&D 2 FE 2 WBL 2 HE + max 12 stakeholders UK Constituency Panels Community L&D Advisory Group Wales Country Committee LAIS HEW HEA HEFCW Leadership Foundation CollegesWales Networks WBL E M P L O Y E R E N G A G E M E N T 11 HEIs + OU 21+2 Colleges c. 63 NTFW Soc. Chief Librarians Nat Library Wales WHELF (HE Librarians) FE Librarians Archives Council c. 440 Libraries & Archives in 22 Local Authorities 22 Local Authorities, Voluntary Sector And Stakeholder Organisations CDC / NIACE / WEA / WCVA / Children in Wales CWVYS / CYFANFYD / ETS / CLW / WAG / FEHE NTFW The Alliance Careers 2 LAIS 2 Careers Careers Wales Careers Wales Association
Labour Market Intelligence
Best Practice!
Recruitment & Selection Induction Use of Standards and Application Guides Standards Role & Team Profiles Job Descriptions Learning & Development CPD Performance Management Workforce Planning Organisation Quality Standards Qualifications Career Development
Apprenticeship Frameworks
1. Understanding the Workforce
2. Retaining and developing the workforce
3. Attracting & recruiting the best people A Learning Professionals Qualification Framework for Wales! (TQFW)
What drives skill demand?
Skills for the Future in WBL?
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