Pluralistic Ignorance
Norm (social) - Further reading Prentice, D. A. & Miller, D. T. (1993). Pluralistic ignorance and alcohol use on campus: Some consequences of misperceiving the social norm, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 243–256.
Youth culture - Impact on adolescents There may also be pluralistic ignorance on the part of youth regarding how their attitudes compare to peers and parents
Prosocial behavior - Situational and individual factors relating to prosocial behavior Finally, pluralistic ignorance may also lead to someone not intervening
Bystander effect - Emergency versus non-emergency situations This is an example of pluralistic ignorance or social proof
Bystander effect - Children as bystanders In a further study, Thornberg concluded that there are seven stages of moral deliberation as a bystander in bystander situations among the Swedish schoolchildren he observed and interviewed: (a) noticing that something is wrong, i.e., children pay selective attention to their environment, and sometimes they don't tune in on a distressed peer if they're in a hurry or their view is obstructed, (b) interpreting a need for help - sometimes children think others are just playing rather than actually in distress or they display pluralistic ignorance, (c) feeling empathy, i.e., having tuned in on a situation and concluded that help is needed, children might feel sorry for an injured peer, or angry about unwarranted aggression (empathic anger), (d) processing the school's moral frames - Thornberg identified five contextual ingredients influencing children's behavior in bystander situations (the definition of a good student, tribe caring, gender stereotypes, and social-hierarchy-dependent morality), (e) scanning for social status and relations, i.e., students were less likely to intervene if they didn't define themselves as friends of the victim or belonging to the same significant social category as the victim, or if there were high-status students present or involved as aggressors - conversely, lower-status children were more likely to intervene if only a few other low-status children were around, (f) condensing motives for action, such as considering a number of factors such as possible benefits and costs, and (g) acting, i.e., all of the above coalesced into a decision to intervene or not
Spiral of silence - Pluralistic Ignorance Pluralistic Ignorance describes how people who hold the majority viewpoint incorrectly believe they are in the minority. The majority of people in a group may privately disagree with a norm, but publicly support it, because they believe that the majority accepts it. The mass media can create pluralistic ignorance by focusing on the spread of one opinion and muting the minority opinion, causing people to believe what they believe is what everyone else believes also.
Normality (behavior) - Influence of social norms Individuals' behaviours are guided by what they perceive to be society's expectations and their peers' norms. People measure the appropriateness of their actions by how far away they are from those norm (social)|social norms. However, what is perceived as the norm may or may not actually be the most common behaviour. In some cases of pluralistic ignorance, most people falsely believe the social norm is one thing, but in fact very few people hold that view.
Cristina Bicchieri - Social norms Bicchieri applies this account of social norms and heuristic selection of norms to a number of important problems in the social sciences, including bargaining, the prisoners' dilemma and suboptimal norms based upon pluralistic ignorance.
False consensus effect Pluralistic ignorance might, for example, lead a student to engage in binge drinking because of the mistaken belief that most other students approve of it, while in reality most other students disapprove, but behave in the same way because they share the same mistaken (but collectively self-sustaining) belief
John Darley *Pluralistic ignorance, the assumption that because no one is helping, everything must be all right and
Pluralistic ignorance In short, pluralistic ignorance is a bias about a social group, held by a social group.Krech, David, and Richard S
Pluralistic ignorance Pluralistic ignorance may be able to help us explain the bystander(witness) effect that people are more likely to intervene (help) in an emergency situation when alone than when other persons are near.Kitts, James A
Pluralistic ignorance - Research Psychological Monographs 43 (2): 1–133 The latter has found that Pluralistic Ignorance can be caused by the structure of the underlying social network, not cognitive dissonance.
Pluralistic ignorance - Research The theory of Pluralistic Ignorance was studied by Daniel Katz (psychologist)|Daniel Katz
Pluralistic ignorance - Research Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, in her Spiral of silence theory, argued that media biases lead to pluralistic ignorance.Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth 1993. The Spiral of Silence: Public Opinion – Our Social Skin (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Pluralistic ignorance - Famous Cases Pluralistic Ignorance and White Estimates of White Support for Racial Segregation
Pluralistic ignorance - Famous Cases
Pluralistic ignorance - Famous Cases Pluralistic Ignorance can be attributed to this case due to the fact that many heard her screams for help and knew she was dying yet nobody did anything to help
Pluralistic ignorance - Famous Cases highlights a case of pluralistic ignorance
Pluralistic ignorance - Consequences In addition, pluralistic ignorance can lead groups to persist in policies and practices that have lost widespread support: This can lead college students to persist in heavy drinking, corporations to persist in failing strategies, and governments to persist in unpopular foreign policies
Pluralistic ignorance - Consequences
Pluralistic ignorance - Misconceptions The False Consensus Effect, considers that in predicting an outcome, people will assume that the masses agree with their opinion and think the same way they do on an issue whereas the opposite is true of pluralistic ignorance
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