Together Educating the Nation 2010 Budget allocation Trends in Allocation and Expenditure Trend in Expenditure for the 3 rd Quarter Progress up to end of 3 rd quarter Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Challenges Proposed solutions to challenges PRESENTATION LAYOUT 2
3 Together Educating the Nation Budget Allocation Payment Schedule for 2009/10 Actual Expenditure at 31 December 2009 Commitment (31/12/2009) R R (Roll over) = Total R st Transfer 10 April 2009 R nd Transfer 10 July 2009 R rd Transfer 30 October 2010 R R (Provincial Roll over) =R th Transfer 30 January 2010 R R R /10 BUDGET ALLOCATION 3
4 Together Educating the Nation TRENDS IN ALLOCATION & EXPENDITURE Financial YearBudget AllocationActual Expenditure % Expenditure 2006/ / / /2010 R R R R R R R R (Preliminary figures) 106% 93% 90% 91% 4
5 Together Educating the Nation TRENDS IN EXPENDITURE UP TO THE END OF THE 3 RD QUARTER FYBudget AllocationActual Expenditure up to 31 December % Expenditure up to 31 December 2007/8R R ,7% 2008/9R (incl. R ) R ,2% 2009/10R R (Provincial roll over) R % 5
Together Educating the Nation Key Focus Area Annual Planned OutputAchievements up to 31 December 2009 Teacher Development 1800 Educators empowered on Sexuality Education and prevention of Drugs and Substance Abuse 120 Master Trainers trained 600 Members of SMTs empowered on Policy Development 2173 Educators empowered 118 Master trainers 450 Members of SMTs empowered on Policy Development Care and Support 600 Schools Turned into Nodes of Care and Support for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) 1800 Educators and other Support Staff empowered on Care and Support for OVCs 339 Schools Turned into Nodes of Care AND Support for OVCs 1692 Educators and other Support Staff empowered 1 coordinated service delivery campaign held reaching 43 schools PROGRESS UP TO THE END OF THE 3 RD QUARTER 6
Together Educating the Nation Key Focus Area Annual Planned OutputAchievements up to 31 December 2009 Peer Education 3000 Learners empowered on a Peer Support Programme and 1 Soul Buddyz Congress hosted 1680 Grade 10 learners empowered on a Peer Support programme to promote healthy living styles. 1 Soul Buddyz Congress hosted and 450 delegates attended 637 Soul Buddyz clubs established LTSM5000 Educator and 3600 Learner4666 Educators and 3000 PROGRESS UP TO THE END OF THE 3 RD QUARTER 7
Together Educating the Nation Key Focus Area Annual Planned OutputAchievements up to 31 December 2009 Advocacy 12 Open discussion workshops between parents and learners (Peer Educators) 9 Open discussions held workshops 48 Clusters of SGBs,12 Clusters of SGBs empowered Workshops for 4 Clusters for Traditional Healers, 3 workshops held with Traditional Healers Workshops for 4 cluster Faith Based Organizations 3 workshops held with Faith Based Organizations 64 Calendar Events48 Calendar Events celebrated PROGRESS UP TO THE END OF THE 3 RD QUARTER 8
Together Educating the Nation Monitoring is done as per the requirements of the Division of Revenue Act and the Public Management Act. This is done within the broader monitoring process led by the Department of Basic Education 3 Life Skills Officials monitor and support the effective implementation of the programme on a Quarterly basis 10 Life Skills Regional Officials monitor the implementation of the programme by visiting the schools and submitting reports to the Provincial office for effective monitoring and providing adequate support to reach all the schools. Quarterly and Annual reports are compiled and sent to DoE and National Treasury by the Provincial Officials reporting on financial and non-financial indicators. MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REPORTING 9
10 Together Educating the Nation A Provincial evaluation team consisting of officials responsible for the grants (NSNP, Life Skills) conduct pre-evaluation of schools before the final evaluation by the national department is conducted at the end of each financial year. Evaluation reports are compiled by the Provincial evaluation team at the end of each financial year. The national coordinator of Life Skills together with the Development Support Directorate monitor the implementation of the programme twice a year (as per Grant Framework) 12 Monthly Reports, 4 Quarterly Reports and an Annual Reports are compiled, signed by the Accounting Officer and submitted to the National Department Of Education and National Treasury 4 Regions submit monthly, quarterly and annually reports to the Regional Director and Provincial Officer MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REPORTING 10
11 Together Educating the Nation REASONS FOR UNDER-EXPENDITURE 1.The system used in the province entails delivery of activities by the Department and payments processed utilising the equitable shares budget, there-after the Department claims the amount utilised from Provincial Treasury 2.Due to Cash flow challenges in the Department, there has been delays in effecting payments to service providers. However, activities as planned have been undertaken. 3.Payment schedule of the 3rd Quarter is transferred on the 30th of October of each financial year. This affect the expenditure of the 3rd Quarter (Grant Framework) as payments must be done as soon as the money is transferred. 11
12 Together Educating the Nation CHALLENGES 1.Availability of Cash flow 2.Monitoring of the delivery of activities due to non availability of staff at Regional Level 12
13 Together Educating the Nation PROPOSED SOLUTIONS TO CHALLENGES 1.The provincial arrangement with Treasury (Provincial) will be relooked at to resolve the cash flow challenges 2.Curriculum support staff to be robed in to assist with the monitoring of the delivery of the programme at schools 13
14 Together Educating the Nation Thank You 14