Components Of Fitness and Fitnessgram Tests FIT FOR LIFE
Five Components of Fitness Muscular Strength- ability to lift heavy objects Muscular Endurance- ability to lift objects over and over (multiple repetitions) Cardio respiratory Endurance- ability of your heart and lungs to work over a long period of time Flexibility- ability to bend and twist your joints easily Body Composition- ratio of muscle, bone and water to fat
Fitnessgram Tests Component it measuresActivities I Could Do Pacer: CRE Long distance; swimming, running, biking, xc skiing, soccer, basketball, rollerblading, ice skating, Stair climbers, elliptical, treadmills, rowing machines
Tests…….. Curl ups: Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Curlups, planks, planks on a ball, curlups on a ball, bicycle curlups, scissors, leg lifts, etc…
Tests…. Pushup: Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Pushups, wall pushups, pushups on a ball, bench press, medicine ball pushes, medicine ball pushups
Tests… Trunk lift: Flexibility Stretching, yoga, pilates, rock climbing, martial arts, dance,gymnastics
Tests…. Sit and Reach: Flexibility Stretching, yoga, pilates rock climbing, martial arts, dance, gymnastics
Tests… Body Fat %: Body Composition Diet Strength Train CRE Training
AMOUNT OF MODERATE TO VIGOROUS ACTIVITY NEEDED PER DAY TO BE CONSIDERED HEALTHY 30 to 60 minutes The higher the intensity the less time needed