Why Library Instruction Fails to Stick and What We Can Do About It
Your New Society You Live By 3 Rules 1. You only say “Yes” or “No” 2. If you are wearing glasses, only respond to those who are also wearing glasses If you are NOT wearing glasses, only respond to those who are NOT wearing them 3. Always say “Yes” if the person asking a question is smiling Always say “No” if the person is NOT smiling
Why Library Instruction Fails to Stick and What We Can Do About It
Nature of Science Active Inquiry Hypothesizing Testing Unfixed
Purpose of School Think.
How People Learn AssimilationAccomodationOrganization
Bad Science Instruction Inform Verify Practice Even “Active Learning” Can Be Bad
How People Learn AssimilationAccomodationOrganization
Learning Cycle Lesson Plan Concept Exploration Concept Invention Concept Application
Creating a Library Learning Cycle Identify Core Concept Authentic reasons why the concept is taught Design a scenario around those authentic reasons Questioning to Help them Discover Apply Library Terminology Later
Library Learning Cycles Plagiarism Evaluating Web Sources …you name it…
Challenges Time! Faculty comfort level