INVENTION How to Engage in Helpful Prewriting *All information in this Powerpoint is from the excellent book, Patterns for College Writing (unless otherwise stated)
Invention (or, prewriting) Invention is an important part of the writing process. At this stage, you discover what interests you about your subject and what ideas you will develop in your essay. Invention is an important part of the writing process. At this stage, you discover what interests you about your subject and what ideas you will develop in your essay. When you are given a writing assignment, you may be tempted to plunge into a first draft immediately; however, you should consider the assignment, explore your subject, and decide what you want to say about it. When you are given a writing assignment, you may be tempted to plunge into a first draft immediately; however, you should consider the assignment, explore your subject, and decide what you want to say about it.
FREEWRITING You can use freewriting at any stage of the writing process--for example, to generate supporting information or to find a thesis. However, freewriting is a particularly useful way to narrow a general subject or assignment. When you freewrite, you write for a fixed period of time, not worrying about grammar or spelling. The goal is to get your ideas on paper so you can react to them and shape them. You can use freewriting at any stage of the writing process--for example, to generate supporting information or to find a thesis. However, freewriting is a particularly useful way to narrow a general subject or assignment. When you freewrite, you write for a fixed period of time, not worrying about grammar or spelling. The goal is to get your ideas on paper so you can react to them and shape them.
Brainstorming Brainstorming is a very productive way of discovering ideas about your topic. You can brainstorm in a group, exchanging ideas with several students in your composition class or brainstorm quickly on your own in written form. Brainstorming is a very productive way of discovering ideas about your topic. You can brainstorm in a group, exchanging ideas with several students in your composition class or brainstorm quickly on your own in written form. Your notes might include phrases, statements, drawings, etc. Your notes might include phrases, statements, drawings, etc.
Journal Writing Journal writing can be a useful source of ideas at any stage of the writing process. Many writers routinely keep a journal, jotting down experiences or exploring ideas they may want to use when they write. Journal writing can be a useful source of ideas at any stage of the writing process. Many writers routinely keep a journal, jotting down experiences or exploring ideas they may want to use when they write.
Clustering Clustering is a way of visually arranging your ideas so that you can tell at a glance where ideas belong and whether or not you need to generate more information. Although you can use clustering at any stage of the writing process, it is especially useful for seeing how your ideas fit together and how much information you have on various different topics. Clustering is a way of visually arranging your ideas so that you can tell at a glance where ideas belong and whether or not you need to generate more information. Although you can use clustering at any stage of the writing process, it is especially useful for seeing how your ideas fit together and how much information you have on various different topics.
Informal Outline A less visual way of clustering, you organize a list of your major points presented in a tentative order. A less visual way of clustering, you organize a list of your major points presented in a tentative order. Sometimes, however, an informal outline will include supporting details or suggest a pattern of development. Sometimes, however, an informal outline will include supporting details or suggest a pattern of development.