The World Wide Web (WWW) is the total collection of web pages stored on web servers located all over the world Many schools, companies etc. have their own web server Web hosting companies also provide web servers Web authors are the creators of web sites Web authors post their web sites to a web host server Fundamentals of the internet2
A web site is a series of pages that contain information about a related topic A web sites purpose is to communicate with the reader, very similar to a newspaper or a magazine 3Fundamentals of the internet
What makes websites different is that they connect to hyperlinks A hyperlink is text or graphics on a web page that can be clicked to display another portion of that same page or another web page 4Fundamentals of the internet
Personal Informational E-commerce Discussion Portal Corporate Presence 5Fundamentals of the internet
Surfing means to browse web pages, looking for interesting information Hyperlinks are used for surfing Hyperlinks are typically blue The “Hand” 6Fundamentals of the internet
A URL is an address that is interpreted by a web browser to identify the location of a page on the web. An example URL 7Fundamentals of the internet
We need web browsers to view web pages A web browser interprets the programming language (HTML) and in turn displays the web site Examples of web browsers include Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator Fundamentals of the internet8
Used to maintain a list of web pages used most frequently. Saves time since you do not need to type in the website address. NOT THE SAME as the history list Can organize bookmarks in folders Varies with Internet Explorer and Firefox 9Fundamentals of the internet
Domain names give clues as to the type of organization The URL has meaning it is a web site about a government organization Other Examples: Com Edu Net Org Fundamentals of the internet10
Displays web pages as they will appear when printed File/Print Preview tells you number of pages you will print You can select specific pages to print by choosing File/Print Fundamentals of the internet11
A search engine is a program that searches a database of web pages for words that YOU supply After entering search criteria, you are provided with a list of hyperlinks to web pages containing those word(s) Search criteria can be single words or phrases 12Fundamentals of the internet
Yahoo Ask Google Safari Bing AOL Search 13Fundamentals of the internet
14 REMEMBER! Remember, a search engine is NOT a web browser !
Use a specific search engine by typing in the URL OR Click the search button on the toolbar to display the search pane (uses a pre-selected search engine) Fundamentals of the internet15
Some search engines such as Google and Yahoo use: + sign - sign space Other search engines do not use +, -, space but use the following: And Not Or Fundamentals of the internet16 Limits the number of matches to a reasonable number
Be a responsible cyber citizen. ◦ Just like being a citizen in your community, being a cyber citizen has responsibilities. Use the internet to share knowledge that makes peoples lives better. Keep safe, use good manners, and respect the law. Keep some control over the information you post. Kep your full name, Social Security number, address, phone number, and bank or credit card account numbers to yourself. Fundamentals of the internet17
Make sure your screen name doesn't say too much about you. Be wary if a new friend wants to meet you in person. If you decide to meet them, meet in a public place, during the day, with friends you trust. And tell a responsible adult where you're going. Post only information that you are comfortable with others seeing and knowing. Fundamentals of the internet18
Consider not posting your photo. It can be altered or broadcast in ways you may not be happy about. Flirting with strangers online could have serious consequences. Some people lie about who they really are. Fundamentals of the internet19
Trust your gut if you have suspicions. If you feel threatened by someone or uncomfortable because of something online, tell an adult you trust, and then report it to the police. Fundamentals of the internet20
Fundamentals of the internet21