Jalal Jalal Shokouhi-M.D. ISR and CIRAD president, Jaam e jam and Koorosh medical centers Darioush Etemadi-M.D. Koorosh medical center Click here to me : Visit my webpage by clicking here:
More than 25 years imaging of adenohypophysis reveal`s inadequate requests from clinicians. Adenohypophysis has a special vascularity in stalk and vascular tuft located centrally. (portal system) Two cells permit contrast media enter inside cell body and they are hepatocyte and pitucyte. Any cell other than these two cells are not enhanced during dynamic injection of I.V contrast (microadenoma in adenohypophysis and metastasis in liver.) We should mention all clinical physicians there is no value for diagnosis of microadenoma by no-contrasted pituitary gland imaging (CT and MRI). Both adenohypophysis and liver have portal system in circulation.
25 years imaging of pituitary gland with inadequate requests from clinicians
Adenopophysis has special vascularity in stalk and terminal tuft as a portal venous system.
Two cells that contrast media goes inside that: 1. Hepatocyte 2. Pituicyte they permit contrast media enter inside cell body
Cells other than these two are not enhanced during dynamic pass of contrast media. Like microadenoma in adenohypophysis and metastasis in liver parenchyma.
Non-contrasted imaging in adenohypophysis imaging is an error that many clinician do it.
Microadenoma dynamic hypophysis
Hemorrhagic microadenoma T1 without GD
Coronal microadenoma without GD
- GD Dynamic
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