Verbum Dei has had a journey of at least 46 years Its founder: Fr. Jaime Bonet
Verbum Dei has had a journey of at least 46 years Its founder: Fr. Jaime Bonet
Verbum Dei Missionary Family
VDMFa - Who are you? an institution of the Catholic Church at the service of the Word of God Made up of the faithful who share the Verbum Dei charism, its spirituality and mission gathers people and groups of all walks of life, age, culture and social condition IDENTITY
Fundamental equality that springs out from: IDENTITY
IDENTITY Non-Catholic and non-baptized people who want to share our spirituality and mission are most welcome to journey with us God calls in our charism presence of the Spirit seeds of the Word welcome with affection respect
IDENTITY Non-Catholic and non-baptized people who want to share our spirituality and mission are most welcome to journey with us God calls in our charism presence of the Spirit seeds of the Word welcome with affection respect VERBUM DEI FAMILY VD FRIENDS VD MISSIONARY FAMILY NON CATHOLICS NON BAPTIZED
THE GROUPS WITHIN THE VDMFA: – Fraternity – Lay Missionary – Diocesan priests VDMFa - Who are you? IDENTITY
WAYS OF BELONGING TO THE FAMILY – Initiation – Temporal – Permanent VDMFa - Who are you?
InitiationTemporalPermanent VDMFa - Who are you?
WHO BELONGS TO THE FAMILY? –P–P–P–Personal prayer based on the Word –S–S–S–Silent retreat a year –V–V–V–Verbum Dei Formation –S–S–S–Social life of the FaMVD –V–V–V–VD mission –S–S–S–Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation –R–R–R–Revision life and/or Spiritual accompaniment –E–E–E–Economic help if possible –E–E–E–Explicit commitment of belonging to the FaMVD
Verbum Dei Missionary Family GOAL to live out and to spread the Kingdom of God through prayer witness of life ministry of the Word forming apostles of Christ generating Christian communities who evangelize.
Verbum Dei Missionary Family GOAL CENTRING ITS LIFE ON THE WORD OF GOD: to pray with the Word assimilating it until it becomes our own life transforming us in itself and teaching others to live and do the same
So... Family + Missionary + Serving the Word of God = Verbum Dei Missionary Family
SPIRITUALITY: – Guided by the Spirit – Centred in Christ, Word of the Father – Responding to God’s call – Baptismal consecration – Different vocations one Family – Rooted in prayer – A life of love – Missionary heart – To be in the world without being of the world – Yeast in the dough to create the Kingdom
SOURCES of SPIRITUALITY: Indwelling of the Trinity Eucharist Mystical Body Mary Verbum Dei Missionary Family
MISSION – Faithful to dynamic of the Verbum Dei charism – Mission lived personally and in community – Inside and with the Church... – With the urgent calling to evangelize the whole world Verbum Dei Missionary Family
MISSION – Present – Present in the fabric of our society, transforming the structures, building the Kingdom of God – Different – Different ministries at the service of the same mission, according to the calling, talents, creativity and possibilities of each person, group and culture Verbum Dei Missionary Family
Jesus’ love Formation Government Administration
Let us pray... now more than ever, for the Verbum Dei Missionary Family so that it may be to itself and to the world a living and genuine image of the love of the Trinity, "having just but one heart and one soul." Verbum Dei Missionary Family
May the Missionary Family be a faithful and enthusiastic reproduction of the self giving of Jesus; loving as He loved us on the cross and in the Eucharist; with a spontaneous and selfless spirit of service to all people, our brothers and sisters under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Verbum Dei Missionary Family
Let us ask Mary, Mother of the Church and of the Verbum Dei, to accompany us so that with humility and gratitude we might share the responsibility in the task of living and announcing the Gospel. Under the protection of S. Paul, apostle to the Gentiles, we ask to be cause of renewed hope, sharing the same spirit and the same mission. Let it be. Verbum Dei Missionary Family
Let us ask Mary, Mother of the Church and of the Verbum Dei, to accompany us so that with humility and gratitude we might share the responsibility in the task of living and announcing the Gospel. Under the protection of S. Paul, apostle to the Gentiles, we ask to be cause of renewed hope, sharing the same spirit and the same mission. Let it be. Verbum Dei Missionary Family