COMENIUS ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY, JUDAISM Traducción: Celia Peis Aznarte y María Sánchez Carazo. Islam: Manuel Martos Cristianismo: Marta Carazo Judaísmo: Carlos Cuadros.
History ● It was born in Mecca (Arabia), in 622 (Hégira). It was in contact with Christianity and Judaism because of trade routes. ●Its founder prophet is Muhammad ●Its Holy Book is the Koran o It is inspired in Muhammad and it was written some years after his death. o 114 chapters or ‘suras’. o It is written in Arabian.
Rites and Celebrations ●Celebrations: ■Friday: human creation. ■Ramadan: fasting and prayer month. ■Feast of the Lamb: in memory of Abraham sacrifice ●Rites: ○ Circumcision ○Prayer rites ○Pilgrimages rites.
Allah, their God ●Pictures of him are not made, and they can’t also imagine him ●Allah for they is the only one God and Lord of the universe. ●Their God is distant, impersonal and superior to man.
Nowadays Islam ●Believers 1600 millions. ●Regions: Arab, Middle Eastern, Indonesia, Sahel… ●Branches: o Shia (20%) o Sunni (80%) o Minority groups
History ●It emerged in Palestine, first century, in a Roman occupation atmosphere. ●Its founder is Jesus. ●Its Holy Book is the Bible: - Old Testament: 46 books - New Testament: 27 books
How is their God? ●God is defined as love and is dealt as a father. -God is love (1 Jn 4,8) ●He is a personal and close God, who relates with everyone.
RITES, CELEBRATIONS AND FEASTS. Celebrations and feasts +Sunday God Day because of Resurrection +Christmas +Easter +Pentecost +Feast of the lord, the saints, and Virgin Mary. RITES +sacraments, sunday rites and feasts.
HOLY PLACES -Church ( place of assembly) -Holy land: Belén, Nazareth,Jerusalén, Roma… -Sanctuaries related to Virgin Mary and the Saints.
NOWADAYS CHRISTIANITY Believers millions Branches: Catholics, Orthodox y Protestants.
●It was born in Mesopotamia and Canaan, in a nomadic pastors culture. ●Its founders are Abraham (faith father) and Moises (libertador and jewish faith lawgiver). ●Its Holy Book is the Torah and there are some comments of wise rabbis to the Torah like the Misnhá and the Talmud. History
How is their God? ●Their God is Yahweh although he is called “Adonai” ( the lord) as a sign of respect. ●Yahweh is a creator, liberator and close God who reveals, communicates and is present in the history of the people.
RITES AND CELEBRATIONS ●Rites: Male Circumcision, Prayer rites and Saturday rites. ●Celebrations: Saturday (Sabat), Pesaj (Easter), New Year (Rosh Hashaná), Purification (Yom Kippur) and Pentecost.
Holy places Jewish holy places are Jerusalem temple, synagogues, burial sites of the Patriarchs as places of pilgrimage.
Most common prayers The most common prayers are Shemá and psalms which are prayed several times a day.
Nowadays Judaism Judaism has 13 millions believers scattered Israel, EEUU, Europe, Argentina, Russia and Irán.