Childhood Sexual Abuse By: Meredith Shaw
Research Question When dealing with the aftermath of sexual abuse in children, what methods are most effective when it comes to recovery and ensuring adequate development in the child?
Introduction I chose to research sexual abuse in children and the recovery process because sexual abuse can be very traumatizing and I’m interested to know how it affects a child’s development in later life.
Introduction Child sexual abuse is characterized as the dominant position of an adult that allows him or her to force a child into sexual activity. Child sexual abuse is however not limited to physical contact.
Hypothesis When dealing with children that have been sexually abused I think that counseling and talk therapy will prove to be the most effective methods for recovery.
Findings Children that are sexually abused can suffer from the following: PTSD Depression Anxiety Guilt Fear Low self-esteem Eating disorders Sexualized behavior Substance abuse
Child sexual abuse is not uncommon, but is often gone unreported. Findings Child sexual abuse is not uncommon, but is often gone unreported. Statistics say that 30% of child sexual abuse crimes are committed by family members of the child, and 60% are by acquaintances of the child.
Findings Individual, family, group, and child-centered therapy can all be effective in treating children that have been sexually abused. Mental health professionals that treat child sexual abuse victims can be trained specifically in developmentally-based and culture specific-based therapies.
Findings Traumatic events can lead to many secondary stressors. Mental health professionals can help families work through these challenges and aid them along the way.
Findings If caregivers of the child receive counseling, this can increase the chances for positive recovery in the child. Returning to a normal routine after a traumatic event can help provide a sense of security for an affected child.
Findings Psychologist E.B. Foa developed brief cognitive-behavioral treatments that, if used soon after a traumatic event, can prevent PTSD. Antidepressants are effective in treating children that do suffer from anxiety after trauma.
Findings Over time, most individuals will return to normal functioning, but many can suffer from psychological symptoms that can be either acute or severe. Obtaining help can reduce the chance of the child suffering from such symptoms. h
Findings Some children that have suffered from sexual abuse have reported finding strength in their recovery process.
Conclusion There are many factors that play into recovery of child sexual abuse victims. I’ve found that most importantly, recognizing the abuse as soon as possible after it has occurred plays a key role in the recovery process.
Conclusion Obtaining counseling for child sexual abuse victims can not only give the child a chance to reflect on the abuse in a positive environment with a professional, but can also put the child on the right path to full recovery.
Conclusion It is also very important for parents and family members to be educated after the traumatic event occurs, in order for them to create a positive and safe environment for the child’s recovery.
Citations Scholarly Articles: (2005, August). Understanding Child Sexual Abuse. Retrieved May 23, 2011, from (2005, January). The Effects of Trauma Do Not Have to Last a Lifetime. Retrieved May 23, 2011, from (2010, April). Child sexual abuse: What parents should know. Retrieved May 23, 2011, from (2011, January). Children and Trauma: Update for Mental Health Professionals. Retrieved May 23, 2011 from (2010). Children and Trauma: Tips for Mental Health Professionals. Retrieved May 23, 2011 from (2010, August). Anxiety Medication. Retrieved May 23, 2011 from Books: Myers, David G. (2007). Psychology. Holland, Michigan: Worth Publishers.