1.LAWS AND REGULATIONS a. Toxic Substances Control Act- Authorizes EPA to require evaluation and registration of manufactured chemicals. b. U.S. Department of Transportation – regulates transportation of chemicals. c. Hazard Communication Standard
HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD Right-To-Know Law OSHA Background Applies to chemical manufacturers and employees Are students covered?
HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD REQUIREMENTS 1.Written hazard communication program 2. Proper labeling / other forms of warning 3. Employee information and training 4. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 5. Evaluation of chemicals produced
d. Laboratory Standard – OSHA 1990 “Chemical Hygiene Plan” Background Applies to employers / employees engaged in “laboratory use” of chemicals Are students covered?
LABORATORY STANDARD REQUIREMENTS 1.Chemical Hygiene Officer 2.Written Chemical Hygiene Plan 3.Employee Safety and Training 4.Proper labeling of chemicals 5.Monitoring for toxic chemicals in work area 6.Maintain MSDS’s of chemicals used 7.Recordkeeping
2. PROPER LABELING OF CHEMICALS a. What should be on label? 1. Written chemical name 2. CAS # (Chemical Abstract Service) 3. Degree of hazards 4. Precautionary measures 5. Name & address of manufacturer 6. Physical / chemical characteristics
b. Labeling Schemes 1. Similar color coding Red Blue Yellow White 2. NFPA System of Labeling Description of NFPA Label Examples 3. Manufacturer’s Coding Schemes
c. Labeling of Prepared Solutions in Lab 1. Name and concentration of solution 2. Date prepared 3. Name of individual who prepared it 4. Any significant hazards
3. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS a. Requirements 1. Specific chemical identity (like label) 2. Physical and chemical characteristics 3. Physical and health hazards 4. Exposure limits 5. Precautionary measures 6. Emergency and first aid information
7. When MSDS prepared / changed 8. Name, address, and phone # of party preparing MSDS. b. Example MSDS’s Phenol Why do manufacturer’s include so much information?
4.WHERE TO GET INFO ON CHEMICALS MSDS’S 1. Manufacturer Hotlines 2. Websites General Chemical Information Welcome to the NIST WebBook (