Travel Forecasting Resource 14 th TRB Planning Applications Conference May 5-9, 2013 Columbus, Ohio
What is the Travel Forecasting Resource? Response to SR288-Metropolitan Travel Forecasting Current Practice and Future Direction USDOT funded review of travel forecasting practice Identified knowledge gap among geographic areas and agencies Recommended a collaborative resource to facilitate knowledge transfer Not to duplicate other efforts, but to pull them together in a Manageable, Accessible and User friendly way
What’s new with Formation of TRB-ADB45 Initial site design and launch Subsequent funding interruption New contract with FHWA New platform and site design Continue use of TRB- ADB45 for content oversight and contribution Contributions and participation from the forecasting community are essential for success!
ADB45-Special Committee for Travel Forecasting Resources Ram Pendyala -Co-chairArizona State University Rick Donnelly - Co-chairParsons Brinckerhoff Joshua Auld TRACC- Argonne National Labs Vince Bernardin, JrResource Systems Group Chandra Bhat University of Texas- Austin Michelle Bina Cambridge Systematics Maria Borjesson Centre for Transport Studies Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm Rob BostromCDM Smith Joe Castiglione Resource Systems Group Billy Charlton Puget Sound Regional Council Suzanne Childress Puget Sound Regional Council Brian Gardner FHWA Bruce Griesenbeck Sacramento Area Council of Governments Alan Horowitz University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Tae-Gyu Kim North Carolina DOT Chuck Kooshian Center for Clean Air Policy Josie Kressner Georgia Institute of Technol ogy
ADB45-Special Committee for Travel Forecasting Resources(Continued) David Kurth Cambridge Systematics Birat Pandey Baltimore Metropolitan Council Eric Petersen TransLink Eric Pihl FHWA Abdul Pinjari University of South Florida Soora Rasouli Technische Universiteit Eindhoven-The Netherlands Phillip Reeder Texas Transportation Institute-retired Tom Rossi Cambridge Systematics Guy Rousseau Atlanta Regional Commission Elizabeth Sall San Francisco County Transportation Authority Dave Schmitt AECOM Peter Vovsha Parsons Brinckerhoff Travis Waller University of New South Wales Kermit Wies Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Xuesong Zhou University of Utah Kim Fisher TRB Staff Julie Dunbar TRB Consultant
Let the tour begin…..
Activity-based models Air quality and conformity analysis Associations, organizations and committees Choice models Communicating model results Dynamic network models Evaluation and performance Freight modeling Land use-transport modeling Mode choice Model calibration and validation Model integration Network assignment New starts Pricing and valuation Public transport modeling Sketch planning models Spatial and temporal data Spatial interaction models Statewide models Transportation networks Travel behavior Travel survey data Trip based models Urban and metropolitan models
[[User:Julie Dunbar|Julie Dunbar]]
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