Black hole accretion and host galaxies of obscured quasars Vincenzo Mainieri with Angela Bongiorno, Andrea Merloni & COSMOS
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Introduction AGN-galaxies co-evolution M- relation: AGN and galaxies co-evolve (Magorrian et al. 1998; Gebhardt et al. 2000; Ferrarese & Merrit 2000; Tremaine et al. 2002) Hickox+09Hopkins+08
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Introduction AGN-galaxies co-evolution Where the “food” is coming from? Secular processesMajor mergers
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxies The X-ray Universe 2011 QSO-2 sampleSample selection Selection criteria: L X >10 44 erg s -1 N H >10 22 cm QSO-2 The galaxy to AGN contrast ratio is maximized: “easier” to study the morphology of the host as well as its stellar mass and SFR. Caveat: UV light can be contaminated from scattered AGN light, SFR diagnostics (e.g. H , [OII]) excited by accretion power rather than young stars, etc..
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 X-ray propertiesStacking Stacked X-ray spectrum N H =( )10 22 cm -2 EW(FeK )~104 eV For the 34 QSO-2 with spectroscopic redshifts, only the rest-frame 2-10 keV band was used for each spectrum. Spectral binning was designed to match a fixed rest-frame 200eV intervals. The total accumulated counts are 4763 See Poster G41 (Salvato+11)
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 QSO-2 sampleRedshifts Redshift distribution 34 spectroscopic redshifts from zCOSMOS (Lilly+09) and IMACS (Trump+08) 112 photometric redshifts using gal+AGN templates ( z =0.015, Salvato+09)
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 QSO-2 sampleRedshifts Optical spectroscopy D n (4000) = 1.19±0.02 (Balogh+99) Hδ A = 4.7±0.4 (Worthey&Ottaviani97)
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 SED SED fitting : galaxy + AGN 14 Bands Used 6 SUBARU bands (U-z) I + K band (CFHT) 4 Spitzer/IRAC 24μm Spitzer/MIPS Galaxy templates: - 14 phenomenological: Polletta (2007) - Libr. of synthetic sp. (B&C) a) 10 declining SFH SFR µe-t/t t=[0.1-30] Gyr tage=[50Myr-5 Gyr] tage<tuniv(z) 0 < E(B-V) <0.5 b) 1 constant SF AGN template: -Richards et al. (2006): mean QSO SED from 259 IR- selected QSOs from the SDSS with Spitzer photometry 1 ~5x10 22 cm -2 (assuming 1/3 of Galactic dust-to-gas) - > E(B-V)~3
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 SED SED fitting : MIR/X-ray correlation Gandhi+09 VISIR/VLT high resolution imaging of a sample of local Seyferts: the least contaminated core fluxes ~70 pc at z=0.01 <40% contaminating star- formation in the unresolved flux log L 12.3 m =(-4.37±3.08)+(1.106±0.071) log L 2-10 keV A strong MIR (12.3 m) / X-ray (2-10 keV) correlation :
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 SED SED fitting : galaxy + AGN Chabrier IMF 2 minimization comparing observed and template fluxes at the redshift of the QSO-2 PRIORS The maximum allowed age is the age of the Universe at the redshift of the source The AGN SED should fit the 12.3 m flux predicted using the Gandhi+09 correlation
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Host galaxy propertiesStellar Mass Chabrier IMF Ilbert+10: parent sample of ~70,000 galaxies selected in the redshift range , where there is a good completeness for M * > 5x10 9 M sun We folded the parent sample with the X-ray sensitivity map 80% of the hosts have M * >10 10 M sun the fraction increases with M * 80% of the hosts have M * >10 10 M sun the fraction increases with M *
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Host galaxy propertiesRest frame colors Host galaxies classification Photometric classification Separating red and blue galaxies (Wilmer+06): “Blue” QSO-2 : 42% “Red” QSO-2 : 58% Star formation activity classification Active: log(sSFR/Gyr -1 ) > -1 (62%) Quiescent: log(sSFR/Gyr -1 ) < -1 (38%) ~20% “red” hosts are dusty star-forming galaxies (see also Cardamone+10, Lusso+11) ~20% “red” hosts are dusty star-forming galaxies (see also Cardamone+10, Lusso+11)
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Host galaxy propertiesRest frame colors Host galaxies classification Photometric classification Separating red and blue galaxies (Wilmer+06): “Blue” QSO-2 : 42% “Red” QSO-2 : 58% Star formation activity classification Active: log(sSFR/Gyr -1 ) > -1 (62%) Quiescent: log(sSFR/Gyr -1 ) < -1 (38%) Mass selected sample ~20% “red” hosts are dusty star-forming galaxies (see also Cardamone+10, Lusso+11) ~20% “red” hosts are dusty star-forming galaxies (see also Cardamone+10, Lusso+11)
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Host galaxy propertiesStar formation SFR-M * correlation Goal: compare the star formation in the QSO2 hosts with the tight correlation between SFR and M * of blue star-forming galaxies (e.g. Noeske+07; Daddi+07; Elbaz+07; Pannella+09; z~1 : 62% of the hosts are star- forming and their rates are comparable to the main-sequence “Noeske” relation Similar evolution of the
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Host galaxy propertiesStar formation SFR-M * correlation Lutz,VM+10 Mullaney+11 z~1 : 62% of the hosts are star- forming and their rates are comparable to the main-sequence “Noeske” relation Similar evolution of the
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Host galaxy propertiesMorphology Merging? Greene et al (SDSS QSO-2): nearly one-quarter have highly disturbed morphologies Liu et al (SDSS QSO- 2): high fraction of double cores and physically associated companions from long-slit spectroscopy. Cisternas+11: a) no difference in the distortion fractions between inactive and active galaxies; b) ~65% of the AGN hosts are disk dominated.
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Host galaxy propertiesMorphology 35 QSO-2 with z<1.2 & I AB <24 ZEST+ (Scarlata+07; Carollo+11): Five non-parametric diagnostics (asymmetry A, concentration C, Gini coefficient G, 2nd order moment of the brightest 20% of galaxy pixels M20, ellipticity e) + Sersic index n Bulge-dominatedDisksMergers Lack of evidence is not necessarily evidence of lack: e.g. quasar phase at the end of the merging process (Di Matteo +05; Conselice03)? 23% 20% 57% F775W (i) F160W (H) Credits to the CANDELS team
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 QSO-2 sample BH masses and bolometric luminosities Bolometric luminosities L bol =f(L[2-10 keV) from Hopkins+07 k 2-10keV =[25,120] ~8x10 45 erg s -1 caveat: intrinsic spread in AGN SED (e.g. Vasudevan&Fabian07; Lusso+10) M dot =L bol /ε rad c 2 ~ 1 M sun /yr with ε rad =0.1 BH masses M BH -M * from Häring&Rix04 Δlog(M BH /M * )(z)=0.68log(1+z) (Merloni+10) ~90% with logM BH =[7.5,9.5] M sun Eddington ratios λ Edd =L bol /L edd, L edd =1.38x10 38 M BH /M sun ~50% have λ Edd >0.1
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 QSO-2 sample Morphology and accretion rate bulge dominated galaxies tend to host low Edd ratios BHs disks and mergers host high Edd ratios BHs bulge dominated galaxies tend to host low Edd ratios BHs disks and mergers host high Edd ratios BHs lowest mass BHs are the fastest accretors (e.g McLure & Dunlop 2002; Netzer & Trakhtenbrot 2007) ~1x10 8 M sun ~4x10 8 M sun
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Host galaxy propertiesCo-evolution Co-evolution of QSO-2 and their hosts L(FIR) from the SFR using the Kennicutt+98 relation: SFR(M sun yr -1 )=L(FIR)/(5.8x10 43 erg s -1 ) (Rowan-Robinson 1995; Netzer 2007 & 2009) SMGs Shao+10
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Radiation pressure and absorption OUTFLOWS ? Effective Eddington limit: the dust component of the gas surrounding the AGN greatly enhances the effect of radiation pressure above that for Thomson scattering so that an AGN which is sub-Eddington for ionized gas can appear super-Eddington for cold dusty gas (e.g. Laor & Draine 1993; Scoville & Norman 1995). Long-lived stable clouds are not expected to survive in a regime where the effective Eddington limit is exceeded (Fabian+08,+09). M BH = (M K +24) Graham+07 L bol from L 2-10keV using Marconi+04 (or Hopkins+07) z<1
Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)QSO-2 and their host galaxiesThe X-ray Universe 2011 Conclusions Type-2 QSOs reside almost exclusively in massive galaxies, 80% have M * >10 10 M SUN and the fraction of galaxies hosting them monotonically increases with M * The majority of the hosts (>60%) are actively forming stars The SSFR of QSO-2 hosts is similar to what observed for star-forming (“Noeske”) galaxies at z~1. The evolution of SSFR of QSO-2 hosts is similar to the one of SFGs. Morphological analysis suggests that the majority of the hosts are bulge dominated. We do not find clear signature of merger activity for the majority of the hosts but it could be a time issue: QSO phase at the end of a major merger event. Difficult to test the quasar fueling models by studying the morphology.