Bridges Between Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages Objectives: 1.) Change a FRACTION to a decimal or percentage whenever you want to. 2.) Change a DECIMAL to a fraction or a percentage whenever you want to. 3.) Change a PERCENTAGE to a decimal or a fraction whenever you want to.
Recall Whole- 1 When the parts included is the same as the amount of pieces the whole is divided into. When the numerator is the same as the denominator.
Changing a fraction to a decimal A test score is. – Did you get the whole thing? 100%? No. What is the decimal? Area between 0 and 1
FRACTIONS are quotients; DIVISON To change FRACTIONS to decimals, divide TOP DOG IN THE HOUSE
FRACTIONS to DECIMALS to PERCENTS To change FRACTIONS to PERCENTS – Change to a decimal and shift the decimal two to the right. – Why? Consider FractionDecimalPercent %
More Examples Fraction DecimalPercentage
DECIMALS to FRACTIONS To change DECIMALS to FRACTIONS, read it and SIMPLIFY. To change DECIMALS to PERCENTS, shift the decimal point two spots to the right. DecimalFractionPercent. 02
More Examples Decimals FractionsPercentage
PERCENTS to decimals PercentsDecimalFractions 2.5 % To change PERCENTS to DECIMALS, shift to the left two spots. To change PERCENTS to FRACTIONS, put over one- hundred and SIMPLIFY
18% 2.5% 4.8% More Examples Percents DecimalsFractions
Summary To change FRACTIONS to decimals, divide.. To change FRACTIONS to PERCENTS – Change to a decimal and shift the decimal two to the right. To change DECIMALS to FRACTIONS, read it and SIMPLIFY. To change DECIMALS to PERCENTS, shift the decimal point two spots to the right. To change PERCENTS to DECIMALS, shift to the left two spots. To change PERCENTS to FRACTIONS, put over one- hundred and SIMPLIFY