NPDgamma Liquid Hydrogen Target Safety Review Operating Procedures At LANL November 29-30, 2005
DRAFT Operating Procedures for the NPDGamma Liquid Hydrogen Target in TA-53, Building MPF-35 Version 0.03 November 26, 2005
A. Evacuation and flushing of the target and lines with hydrogen B. Filling and Cooling the Target with Hydrogen C. Warming up the Hydrogen Filled Target to Room Temperature D.Purging Hydrogen out from the Target Vessel and Filling the Lines with Helium E. Change of Empty Hydrogen Gas Cylinder Procedures for shed operation:
DRAFT Auxiliary Operating Procedures for the NPDGamma Liquid Hydrogen Target System in TA-53, Building MPF- 35 Version 0.01 November 26, 2005
- Target cool down without hydrogen - Leak checking and purging - Operation of the RGA - To put ortho-para converter catalyst Fe(OH) 3 into the chambers and activation - Test and calibration of hydrogen monitor - Interlock conditions - Charging CVI refrigerator with helium - Charging CRYOMECH refrigerator with helium - Target Procedures Liquid nitrogen trap bake out Global Purge of GHS with Helium Target helium leak check Target Pump down Continuous target monitoring and leak checking Steady state target filling States when target gets filled - Operating Target Subsystems Leak checking and purging Instrumentation & Control
Operating Procedures for the NPDGamma Liquid Hydrogen Target in TA-53, Building MPF-35: Update/Revision Procedure The NPDGamma Liquid Hydrogen Target Team Leader has a lead responsibility for initiating and coordinating reviews and updates to these operating procedures. 1.Minor administrative, organizational, and grammatical changes and error corrections etc. identified through a use of the procedures will be incorporated into the Procedures by the Team Leader. A summary of changes and revisions will be documented in the Change Log of this document. 2.Baseline changes or other major changes. If a baseline given in this document of the Procedures has been changed then the new procedure has to be approved as described in JHA ID 3501 “Testing of the NPDGamma Liquid hydrogen Target”. RevisionDateDescription of ChangePages changed Signature /26-05Baselinen/aSePe
1. Introduction …….. The highest level of the LH 2 Target safety is defined by the Integrated Work Document JHA ID 3501 “Testing of the NPDGamma Liquid Hydrogen Target”. ….. The procedures of this document must be followed and the defined tasks can be performed only by authorized target operators. The authorization is given by the responsible line manager as discussed in JHA ID 3501 “Testing of the NPDGamma Liquid Hydrogen Target”. …….