Maya Angelou was born in 1928 in St. Louis Missouri. Her maiden name is Marguerite Johnson. She had a brother named Baily. She was separated from her mom because her mom couldn’t take care of her and her brother. She was taken to live with her grandmother.
Maya Angelou got divorced at least three times. When she was 3 years old she was taken away from her mom because she couldn’t afford to take care of her. At age 8, Maya was abused by her moms boyfriend. When the man was jailed, Maya became mute from guilt for five years. “I thought if I spoke my mouth would issue out something that would kill people randomly so it was better not to talk,” she said.
Became a well known writer. Made six children books (i.e. She wrote 10 plays. She directed 4 plays. 10 voice records.
Maya Angelou born April 14, 1928 in St. Louis Missouri. In 1969, she wrote I know why the caged bird sings (poetry book). In 2008, she found out she was a part of the Menda people of West Africa. Her son, Clyde, was born.
Why is this person famous? What important actions did this person take? She was famous because she was a wonderful poet and she wrote a lot of books. Both children and adults enjoy reading her work.
What personality traits enabled this person to realize personal goals and dreams? She was a very hard worker. She was a single mother and was still able to find a job as an actor and a writer. Maya had a difficult childhood but she was brave enough to overcome her sadness.
What childhood experiences cause this Individual to establish their goals and dreams? When she had her son Clyde, she decided that she would take care of her son unlike, her mom with Maya and her brother.
What was the author trying to say by writing about this person? No matter what you been through, and or going through NEVER give up.
King,Sarah.Maya Angelou. Brookfield:Millbrookpres,1994.