ROMANIA is engaged to take the appropriate legally and organization measures, for its alignment to the European requirements, exigencies and practice. GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
The target: The obtaining of the European Union member state statute GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
The main activities: the transposition and the implementation at the national level of the European technical regulations the deregulating, when was necessary the development of an institutional and procedural harmonized frame in the field of the standardization and conformity assessment. GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
THE SITUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW APPROACH DIRECTIVES No. Short Title Of Directive No. of Directive Full implementation date date 1 Low Voltage 73/23/EEC Simple Pressure Vessels 87/404/EEC Safety of toys 88/378/EEC Construction products 89/106/EEC Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 89/336/EEC2002 6Machinery98/37/EC Personal protective equipment (PPE) 89/686/EEC Non-automatic weighing instruments 90/384/EEC Active implantable medical devices 90/385/EEC Gas appliances 90/396/EEC Efficiency Requirements For New Hot-Water Boilers Fired With Liquid Or Gaseous Fuels 92/42/EEC Medical devices 93/42/EEC Equipment explosive atmospheres (ATEX) 94/9/EC Recreational craft 94/25/EC Packaging and packaging waste 94/62/EC Lifts95/16/EC2003 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
THE SITUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW APPROACH DIRECTIVES17 Pressure equipment 97/23/EC In vitro diagnostic medical devices 98/79/EC Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment 99/5/EC Cableway installations designed to carry persons 00/9/EC Energy efficiency requirements for household electric refrigerators, freezes and combinations therefore 96/57/EC Marine equipment 96/98/EC2000 GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
HIGHEST PRIORITY ( ) No. Short Title Of Directive No. of Directive FullimplementationdateComents 1. Transportable pressure equipment 99/36/EC2005 The Directive was transposed in the national legislation in Explosives for civil use 93/15/EEC2005 Will be transposed until the end of this year GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
Standardization European and international ASRO activity Affiliate member of CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) Affiliate member of CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) Affiliate member of CEN (European Committee for Standardization) Affiliate member of CEN (European Committee for Standardization) Affiliate member of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Affiliate member of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Full member of ISO (International Standardization Organization) Full member of ISO (International Standardization Organization) Member of CEI (International Electrotechnical Commission) Member of CEI (International Electrotechnical Commission) GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
Standardization The objective for a short time: The obtaining, in 2005, of the CEN and CENELEC full member statute. GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
Standardization Number of CEN/CENELEC standards adopted - September CEN standards : 8285 (90,93%) CEN standards : 8285 (90,93%) CENELEC standards : 4181 (91,39%) CENELEC standards : 4181 (91,39%) The method used for adoption: Translation: 4797 standards Translation: 4797 standards Cover sheet: 7669 standards Cover sheet: 7669 standards GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
Accreditation The national accreditation body-RENAR founding member of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, ILAC, since 1996 founding member of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, ILAC, since 1996 full member of International Accreditation Forum, IAF, since 2002 full member of International Accreditation Forum, IAF, since 2002 full member of the European Cooperation for Accreditation, EA, since 1998 full member of the European Cooperation for Accreditation, EA, since 1998 GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
Accreditation Results of the accreditation activity test laboratories -1 calibration laboratory -1 calibration laboratory -19 certification bodies for the quality management systems -19 certification bodies for the quality management systems -7 certification bodies for the environment management systems -7 certification bodies for the environment management systems -21 product certification bodies -21 product certification bodies -2 personnel certification bodies -2 personnel certification bodies -6 inspection bodies -6 inspection bodies Only the accredited laboratories/bodies can be designated/notified by the Romanin competent authorities GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
Market surveillance This activity was regulated in Romania by taking into account the recommendations and considerations formulated in connection with this subject, in the Guide for the implementations of the New Approach and Global Approach directives, elaborated by European Commission. GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
EQUIPMENTS APPRECIATED HAVING A HIGH LEVEL OF RISK -Medical Devices -Equipments and installations for amusement parks and playground -Cranes -Forklift - trucks -Electric and hydraulic lifts for persons and for materials -Cable way installations for persons -Steam hot and warm water -Transportable pressure equipments -Gas, liquids and solid fuel consuming equipments -Pressure equipments GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
THE AREAS/SECTORS WHERE NATIONAL REGULATORS SEE A NEED FOR ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL REGULATIONS (BASED ON NATIONAL SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS AND WHICH ARE NOT COVERED BY EXISTING EU LEGISLATION/DIRECTIVES) HIGHEST PRIORITY ( ) Sector/area/product grup The scope of a proposed regulation/problem to be addressed Year when a new national regulation is foreseen to be prepared/Comments (if any) Non-harmonized measure means Mutual recognition 2005 GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
No. Short Title Of Directive No. of Directive Full implementation date date 1 Low Voltage 73/23/EEC Simple Pressure Vessels 87/404/EEC Safety of toys 88/378/EEC Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 89/336/EEC2002 5Machinery98/37/EC Non-automatic weighing instruments 90/384/EEC Gas appliances 90/396/EEC2002 8Lifts95/16/EC Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment 99/5/EC2003 THE FIELDS PROPOSED FOR PECA GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
Future plans the conclusion of PECA the reducing of the barriers to trade through: technical harmonization mutual recognition. GENEVA 22 November 2004 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND COMMERCE
GENEVA 22 November 2004 GENEVA 22 November 2004