Students may practice reading and math. Instruction is leveled based on student responses. Twenty minute sessions daily Latest Versions of Java and Flash required Username: Student ID# Password: Student ID#
English Learners may practice language and literacy skills 124 identified students use daily in classroom Play at Home feature allows at home access for additional support Password: initials + birthdate ( example: sm )
Students are placed at their appropriate reading level Students read books and take quizzes at school Parents may check progress regularly Username: Student ID# Password: initials + password (example: Sm )
Students may read books and take quizzes online Students earn points for the quizzes they take Username: check with teacher Password: check with Teacher
Students may work to build Spanish vocabulary, literacy skills, math skills and content knowledge Students in our Dual Immersion Program are encouraged to use the software daily ID Colegio: 1278 Contraseña: hedenkamp
Students may use Brain pop to watch science, social studies, math, and language arts videos Students may take quizzes about the videos they watch on Brainpop Username: Hedenkamp Password: brainpop
TK- 2nd grade students may build phonics knowledge, read leveled books and practice literacy and math skills Username and Password are not required
Students and parents in grades 2-12 may view math and language arts lessons online All lessons are aligned to the Common Core Standards Students and parents may sign up for free accounts
Students may view videos online Common Core Aligned Videos are available Parents may sign up for free accounts
Third grade students and parents may view math videos and lessons online Common Core Aligned Videos are available Teachers have username and password information