Common Core Math Standards: Grade 4-6
The picture is a neighborhood. For each section find the fractional value of the whole neighborhood.
What did you start with?
Area of the Neighborhood What math concepts were you working with? What processes or Standards for Practice did you do? How would you modify this for your students?
Pattern Block Fractions If 2 joint hexagons =1 what is the value of…. A triangle 2 triangles 2 blue rhombi A trapezoid A hexagon joined with a triangle A hexagon joined with a rhombus
More Pattern Block Explorations If the hexagon joined with the triangle = 1, come up with 3 shapes that are greater than ½ but less than 1. If the hexagon joined with the trapezoid = 1, come up with 3 designs greater than ½ but less than 1. If the blue rhombus = 1, what is the value of the red trapezoid? If the red trapezoid = 1, what is the value of 2 connected blue rhombi?
Pattern Block Explorations What is the benefit? Modified from here-
Math Games Quotient Compare- draw 5 cards. Make a 3-digit by 2- digit division problem to make the largest quotient and the smallest quotient possible. Your score is the difference between the 2 quotients. Close to 10- draw 5 cards and make 2 decimal numbers __.__ x __.__. Your score is your different from 10. Close to draw 4 cards and make 2 decimal numbers: 0. __ __ x 0. __ __. Your score is your difference from 0.25.
Assessment Mathematics Reasoning Inventory There are 295 students in a school. Busses hold 25 students each. How many busses are needed? iPad technologies –
Tiling an Area You want to tile a region that is 36 x 24 feet. What is the area? You want to tile ¾ of a 36 x 24 foot rectangular region. What is the area? You want to tile ¾ of a 36 x 24 foot rectangular region using square tiles that are 3” on each side. How many tiles do you need? You want to tile ¾ of a 36 x 24 foot rectangular region using square tiles that are 1 ½” on each side. How many tiles do you need?
Tiling an Area Approaches? What was the progression? How would you support your students with this?
Your friends come to a party with different lengths of long strips of gum. There is an argument over who has more. Sara has 3/4 of a foot Tomas has 10/12 of a foot Jillian has 5/7 of a foot Miguel has 7/9 of a foot Draw a picture of each strip of gum and determine who has more. Partitioning…
Partitioning Approaches… What was challenging?
Task Sort Solve some of the tasks: A, B, C, and G For each task complete a row of the table. Leave the middle column blank for the time being.
Resources…. DPI Math wiki – Unpacking document Standards for Math Practice explanation – Formative assessment tasks – 1 unit on number sense per grade level – Lessons for Learning (being revised this summer) Illustrative Mathematics taskstasks Mathematics Reasoning Inventory InterMath
Task Design Pick a Standard from the CCSSM Write a few tasks that you can use with your students. Characteristics of good tasks?
Sharing Tasks
Unpacking- MPs Unpacked
Drew Polly- Alexis Piciano-