LEADING FOR THE FUTURE New Forms of Continuing Professional Development
Sarah Barnes Deputy Headteacher Research and Development
Sandwich Technology School Headteacher: Richard Wallis
Draft Professional Standards for Teachers: Draft Professional Standards for Teachers: I7 – Evaluate their performance and be committed to improving their practice through appropriate professional development I7 – Evaluate their performance and be committed to improving their practice through appropriate professional development I9 – Act upon advice and feedback and be open to coaching and mentoring I9 – Act upon advice and feedback and be open to coaching and mentoring
Draft Professional Standards for Teachers: Draft Professional Standards for Teachers: I6 – Have a commitment to collaboration and cooperative working as appropriate I6 – Have a commitment to collaboration and cooperative working as appropriate I38 – Work as a team member and identify opportunities for working with colleagues, managing their work where appropriate and sharing the development of effective practice with them I38 – Work as a team member and identify opportunities for working with colleagues, managing their work where appropriate and sharing the development of effective practice with them
Draft Professional Standards for Teachers: Draft Professional Standards for Teachers: P11 – Contribute to the professional development of colleagues through coaching and mentoring, demonstrating effective practice, and providing effective advice and feedback P11 – Contribute to the professional development of colleagues through coaching and mentoring, demonstrating effective practice, and providing effective advice and feedback
Application of Upper Pay Scale Progression Criteria – Clarification Application of Upper Pay Scale Progression Criteria – Clarification UPS3 teachers …. Take advantage of appropriate opportunities for professional development and use the outcomes effectively to improve pupils’ learning UPS3 teachers …. Take advantage of appropriate opportunities for professional development and use the outcomes effectively to improve pupils’ learning Guidance on School Teachers’ pay and conditions 2006
New Performance Management Regulations The outcomes of teachers’ continuing professional development and, if appropriate, their contribution to others’ development, should be taken into account as part of a range of evidence when schools assess performance for pay progression purposes The outcomes of teachers’ continuing professional development and, if appropriate, their contribution to others’ development, should be taken into account as part of a range of evidence when schools assess performance for pay progression purposes
New Performance Management Regulations It is the reviewee’s personal and individual responsibility for their professional development It is the reviewee’s personal and individual responsibility for their professional development It is the reviewer’s responsibility to ensure that any support they agree to provide is made available It is the reviewer’s responsibility to ensure that any support they agree to provide is made available
CPD Historically: Courses Courses Whole school training days Whole school training days Exam marking Exam marking
Group Task 1. In what ways have you changed the way you do CPD over the last 3 years? 2. How do you monitor and evaluate the impact of CPD activities?
"The question facing us today," said Mr Miliband, "is simple. What do we need to do to make 'personalised learning' the defining feature of our education system?" "The question facing us today," said Mr Miliband, "is simple. What do we need to do to make 'personalised learning' the defining feature of our education system?" "Personalised learning," he added, "means assessment, teaching, curriculum and school strategies designed to ensure that the talents of every individual can be fully realised.“ "Personalised learning," he added, "means assessment, teaching, curriculum and school strategies designed to ensure that the talents of every individual can be fully realised.“ `January 2004North of England Conference
Training day time is used to enable staff to personalise their CPD Training day time is used to enable staff to personalise their CPD - on-line learning - courses during holiday time - weekly CPD sessions - collaborative work - visits - higher degrees and other qualifications - leadership programmes - appropriate training for support staff - Teaching and Learning Pedagogy booklets - Action research At Sandwich Technology School
The student day finishes at 1:20 on a Wednesday and staff spend from 2:15 – 4:30 on professional development activities The student day finishes at 1:20 on a Wednesday and staff spend from 2:15 – 4:30 on professional development activities - faculty meetings where the focus is on learning - learning development teams - whole school issues - whole school projects
Developing Staff: Excellent Teachers Excellent Teachers Advanced Skills Teachers Advanced Skills Teachers Lead Practitioners Lead Practitioners Delivering CPD within our school Delivering CPD within our school Delivering CPD to other schools Delivering CPD to other schools Contributing to regional and national conferences Contributing to regional and national conferences Initial Teacher Training Initial Teacher Training Training School status Training School status Teachers collaborating, sharing experiences Teachers collaborating, sharing experiences
Strong links between Performance Management and CPD Strong links between Performance Management and CPD Performance Management moving within the faculty structure and faculty leaders taking a greater lead on supporting individual CPD Performance Management moving within the faculty structure and faculty leaders taking a greater lead on supporting individual CPD Responsibility for CPD placed more in the hands of the individual Responsibility for CPD placed more in the hands of the individual CPD portfolios, developing e-portfolios CPD portfolios, developing e-portfolios
International links: International links: –TIPD LA - Classroom teachers Headteachers –SSAT - Study visits for individuals - School-determined visits - School-determined visits –TIPD British Council - eTwinning - Overseas study visits - Overseas study visits - Comenius 2 Grants - Comenius 2 Grants
Teachernet Teachernet Teachnet Teachnet Resources Resources GTC GTC NCSL NCSL SSAT SSAT TDA TDA On-line Forums On-line Forums Research grants – TES Research grants – TES Local Universities or Colleges Local Universities or Colleges
Coaching and Mentoring