By Tucker
The Sons of Liberty was a semi-secret organization that took liberty into its own hands. They did things like running Tories out of town. You had to be 16 to be a member of the Sons of Liberty.
The Sons of Liberty was one of many secret organizations against the British. Some of the jobs they carried out were running British tax agents out of town and tarring and feathering local Tories. The first widely known acts of the Sons took place when an effigy of Andrew Oliver (Distributor of Stamps for Massachusetts) was found hanging in a tree, along with a large boot with a devil climbing out of it.
In Boston, in early summer of 1765, a group of workers who called themselves The Loyal Nine began preparing for agitation against the Stamp Act. The group came to be known as the Sons of Liberty.
Heroes of the American Revolution, by Burke Davis Johnny Tremain, by Esther Forbes American Revolution, by Joy Massof Fight for Freedom, by Benson Robrick The Sons of Liberty, by Thomas Kindig