Masaccio By: Ivy K. and Mitchell B. May 30, 2008 By: Ivy K. and Mitchell B. May 30, 2008
Trio of Great artists Masccio was the third of the great artists, along with Donatello and Brunelleschi. He was a friend of both Donatello and Brunelleschi. Masaccio was considered the best painter in the Italian Renaissance. Masccio was the third of the great artists, along with Donatello and Brunelleschi. He was a friend of both Donatello and Brunelleschi. Masaccio was considered the best painter in the Italian Renaissance.
Technique Experimented with light and dark, along with shadows in his paintings, as to give definitions to the forms they fell across. The word for this was Chiaroscuro this is from the Italian words Chiaro (bright) and Oscuro (dark) Chiarosocuro is a technique that produces the illusion of roundness and weight in an object or figure In many of his works the light comes from a single source of direction. His broad, quick brush strokes suggest motion and drama. Became the first artist to use Bruelleschi’s principles of linear perspective. Marks the beginning of a new method of arrangement of figures based upon geometric forms. Experimented with light and dark, along with shadows in his paintings, as to give definitions to the forms they fell across. The word for this was Chiaroscuro this is from the Italian words Chiaro (bright) and Oscuro (dark) Chiarosocuro is a technique that produces the illusion of roundness and weight in an object or figure In many of his works the light comes from a single source of direction. His broad, quick brush strokes suggest motion and drama. Became the first artist to use Bruelleschi’s principles of linear perspective. Marks the beginning of a new method of arrangement of figures based upon geometric forms.
His Pieces of Art Holy Trinity: Became the first artist to use Brunelleschi’s principles of linear perspective In this painting. This is in the Santa Maria Novella in Florence. He creates the illusion of a chapel receding into the wall on which it is painted, and he reinforces the effect by placing the figure on a shelf that seems to project forward. This is where the painting is located today. This place is called the Santa Maria Novella The tribute Money: Depicts the Apostles Gathered in a circle around Christ as they Are confronted by tax collectors.
Interesting Facts Greatly admired the work of Tiotto Studied human anatomy, as to make his figured more life like By the late fifteenth century the Brancacci Chapel became a major point of pilgrimage for nearly every Italia artist. He died at the age of 27. Greatly admired the work of Tiotto Studied human anatomy, as to make his figured more life like By the late fifteenth century the Brancacci Chapel became a major point of pilgrimage for nearly every Italia artist. He died at the age of 27.
Bibliography accio_profile.jpg&imgrefurl= pg.html&h=755&w=622&sz=117&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=sltzX9Tvo3a3nM:&tbnh=142 &tbnw=117&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmasaccio%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfire fox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:enUS:official%26sa%3DN 32_Masaccio_Tribute_Money.jpg 32_Masaccio_Tribute_Money.jpg accio_profile.jpg&imgrefurl= pg.html&h=755&w=622&sz=117&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=sltzX9Tvo3a3nM:&tbnh=142 &tbnw=117&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmasaccio%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfire fox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:enUS:official%26sa%3DN 32_Masaccio_Tribute_Money.jpg 32_Masaccio_Tribute_Money.jpg