Social Structure
Significance of Social Structure The typical patterns of a group, such as the usual relationships between people and groups People learn behaviors and attitudes as a result of their location in the social structure Ex: Relationships between parents and children or students and teachers
Components of Social Structure Culture Broadest framework that determines what kind of people we become. Social Class A large group of people who rank close to one another based on wealth, prestige, and power Influences our behavior and attitudes
Components of Social Status The position that someone occupies in a social group Status Set All the statuses or positions that an individual occupies
Components of Social Status Ascribed Status A position an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life Achieved Status A position that is earned, accomplished, or at involves at least some effort or activity on the individual’s part
Components of Social Status Status Symbol Items used to identify status Master Status A status that cuts across the other statuses an individual occupies
Components of Social Status Roles: The behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status. Lay out what is expected of people Define the following terms and think of one example for each: Role Set Role Conflict Role Strain
Components of Social Status Role Set The number of roles attached to a single status Role Conflict Conflict between two roles corresponding to two or more statuses When we experience being pulled in several different directions Role Strain Tension among roles connected to a single status When our responsibilities feel like a balancing act.
Summary Social status is a combination of the circumstances you are born into and your achievements. Each social status plays a role in your self-concept The roles we perform relate to our statuses Statuses divide society, and the formation of groups play a role in this.
Groups A group consists of people who have something in common and believe that what they have in common is significant When we belong to a group, we choose to uphold the group’s norms, values, and interests We also give others the right to judge how well we uphold these
Types of Groups Primary Groups Secondary Groups In Groups Out Groups Cliques In your group, research your assigned social group and provide your classmates with the following: Definition of the term and how it relates to socialization (how people interact) One real world example One example from a film (find a clip if possible)