Modern Family S03E013 “Little Bo Bleep”
Sneak in Proud of Turn sb off Turn on Get back to Have to do with Make love to Get caught up Believe in Work on st Be based on Take away Break into Bring up Tone down Melt down Check your predictions. One point for correct verb. One point for correct form.
The Phrasal Verbs 1.Tone down (sop) – make st sound more moderate You should tone down your speech. The government won’t like it. 2.Work on st (non) – improve or develop Scientists are working on a cure for AIDS. I need to work on my paper tonight. 3.Turn sb off (sob) – make sb dislike st Crazy people really turn me off from using the subway. 4.Turn on (sob) – start (a machine) Please turn on the air con. Turn it on! 5.Get caught up on (sob) – get work, etc. up to date 1.Sorry, I need to get caught up on my work.
The Phrasal Verbs 6.Believe in (int) – to have a belief I don’t believe in Santa Claus. 7.Be based on* 8.Take away (sop) – remove I will take away all your money if you are bad. 9.Have to do with (sob) – about, related to This book has to do with war and peace. 10.Break into (non) – enter illegally or by force You shouldn’t break into PKNU on the weekends. 11.Sneak in*
The Phrasal Verbs 12.Get back to (non) – return to I have to get back to class. 13.Bring up (sop) – mention Don’t mention religion in class. 14.Make love to sb (non) – have sex with sb Mitchell and Cam make love once a week. 15.Melt down (int) – to have a meltdown He’s melting down in there because sb stole his Gucci bag. 16.Be Proud of (non) - feeling pride or satisfaction over st or sb
…ish – about Let’s meet at eightish. Throw (sb) (for) a curveball – mislead I’m going to throw them for a curveball at the meeting today. Go viral – become extremely popular on the net That video went viral. Go get ‘em! – Fighting! Say st to sb’s face – say st directly to sb If she has a problem, she can say it to my face In the zone* Drop (st) – to say st in an informal or casual way She’s always dropping hints that she has a crush on me. Nerdy – to be like a nerd (smart, socially awkward) proves that Anthony is a nerdy teacher. The Idioms and Other Expressions