The Big Classical Music Pieces XI
Georges Bizet, France, Romantic opera composer, born 1838
Bizet’s “Habanera” from the opera CarmenHabanera
“Habanera” by an opera singer on YouTube (begins at :33) Maria Callas sings it (1962) on YouTube (from 2:16) The song as part of a staging of the opera (sound quality not so good) An orange sings the song on Sesame Street (from 1:05 or so) “Habanera” by an opera singer on YouTube Maria Callas sings it (1962) on YouTube The song as part of a staging of the opera An orange sings the song on Sesame Street
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austria, Classical composer, born 1756 This is Mozart as a little boy. He was already writing music!
Mozart’s “Rondo Alla Turca” from Piano Sonata No. 11Rondo Alla Turca
Rachmaninoff plays it Lars Roos plays it A six-year-old girl plays it
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, Russia, Romantic composer, born 1839
Mussorgsky’s “Night on Bald Mountain”Night on Bald Mountain
An orchestra plays it Another orchestra plays it The scary segment from Fantasia An orchestra plays it Another orchestra plays it The scary segment from Fantasia (parents only—almost certainly too scary for little kids)
The End