Lab 7: Tree & Forest. Drawing a Forest Created by Emily Hill & Jerry Alan Fails.


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Presentation transcript:

Lab 7: Tree & Forest

Drawing a Forest Created by Emily Hill & Jerry Alan Fails

Drawing a Forest Step 1:Create classes for Rectangle & Triangle (done) Step 2:Create a Tree class that can draw a tree at any: x, y position; width, height; color Step 3:Create a Forest class with at least 3 Trees Created by Emily Hill & Jerry Alan Fails

Step 2: Tree class Create a new Tree class Has 2 fields: a triangle for the top & a rectangle for the trunk Has 3 constructors: –Default –One with 4 parameters: x, y, width, & height –One with 6 parameters: x, y, width, height, topColor, trunkColor Getters/setters for topColor, trunkColor Has a public setBounds method that takes: x, y, width, height –(Might want to add this method to Triangle and Rectangle, but you don’t need to as you can use setX, setY, setWidth, and setHeight) –Tree should start at x, y and extend to width & height –Top and trunk should be relative to one another and to size of tree: Trunk 1/4 height of tree, 1/5 width Top 3/4 height of tree, full width Has a paintComponent method that has a Graphics parameter and calls the corresponding paintComponent methods for the 2 fields Test: add Tree(s) to Picture class, use different constructors, change the size of the Tree in the constructor or init method and test that it works Created by Emily Hill & Jerry Alan Fails

Step 3: Forest class Create a new Forest class Has at least 3 Tree fields Has a constructor that takes 4 parameters: x, y, width, height Has a draw method that has a Graphics parameter and calls the corresponding draw methods for the 3 fields Test: replace Tree field in Picture with a Forest Modify position/sizes in PictureApplet.init() or the Picture constructor Look at how easy it is to aggregate components! Created by Emily Hill & Jerry Alan Fails

Homework Finish lab exercise (due after exam) Created by Emily Hill & Jerry Alan Fails

General Review Lecture notes Class exercises Labs CodingBat Chapters 1-4 –Where Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (except , ) Chapter 4 (except ) –What: Key concepts Concept summary Section headings For extra help look at the exercises

Chapter 1: Computer Basics Computer processing Hardware components Networks The Java programming language Program development Object-oriented programming

Chapter 2: Data & Expressions Character strings Variables and assignment Primitive data types Expressions Data conversions Interactive programs – the Scanner class Graphics, Applets, drawing shapes

Chapter 3: Using Classes and Objects Creating objects The String class Packages – import, Java API Classes: Random, Math

Chapter 4: Writing Classes Classes and objects Anatomy of a class –Three main components of a class –What each item does –How to write it in code Encapsulation