Birth Defects Caused by Aspartame
Neural Tube Birth defect who’s mother consumed diet cola during pregnancy.
The FDA Knew of Birth Defects
FDA Warned on September 11, 1978
Aspartame A Known Neurological Teratogen (Monster Maker) Autism FAS
Birth Defects Caused by Methanol In My ASU Laboratory Rats
Rat Pup Brain with Cerebellar Vermal Damage Reminiscent of Autism
Classic Methanol Neural Tube Defect
Methanol Litter Mates Normal Pup Left Neural Tube Defect on Right
Exencephaly and Anencephaly (Neural Tube Defects) Caused by Methanol
Methanol Induced Exencephaly on left Hydrocephalus on right
Methanol Spina Bifida Terata
Methanol Induced Fetal Resorption
Unusual Spina Bifida Methanol Terata
Methanol Induced Fetal Resorption
Methanol Pup Born Without Eye (Anophthalimia)
Methanol Pups Born With No Eyes
Skull Cross Section of Skull Missing Eye
Normal Rat Verses Methanol Placenta
Skeletal Visualization Methanol
Methanol Induced Lung Damage