Holidays 1
A. Places to stay and types of holiday 2
A c……………: A place where you can p__________ a tent or park a cara __________. 3
A camp-site: A place where you can pitch a tent or park a caravan. Pronunciation : /’kæmpsa ɪ t/ 4
A self-c __________ flat: A flat which you rent; you cook for yourself 5
A self-catering flat: A flat which you rent; you cook for yourself Pronunciation : /selfke ɪ tər ɪ ŋ/ 6
A gue __________: Acc __________ like a hotel but cheaper and with fewer services 7
A guesthouse: Accommodation like a hotel but cheaper and with fewer services Pronunciation : /’gestha ʊ z/ 8
A y__________ h__________ : Cheap ac__________, mainly for young people, with, perhaps ten or more people sleeping in b__________ b__________ in one room 9
A youth hostel: Cheap accommodation, mainly for young people, with, perhaps ten or more people sleeping in bunk beds in one room Pronunciation : /ju:θ/ /’h ɒ stl/ 10
A h__________ c__________: A place providing holiday accommodation in little cha_________ or flats, with restaurants, bars, swimming p__________ and lots of other fac__________ and entert__________ for when visitors want a br__________ from sun-b__________ 11
A holiday camp: A place providing holiday accommodation in little chalets or flats, with restaurants, bars, swimming pools and lots of other facilities and entertainment for when visitors want a break from sun-bathing Pronunciation : /’h ɒ l ɪ de ɪ / /kæmp/ 12
A t__________ - sh__________ apartment: Accommodation of which you share ownership with a number of people, for example you own a twelfth of the apartment so you have the right to stay there for one month every year. 13
A time-share apartment: Accommodation of which you share ownership with a number of people, for example you own a twelfth of the apartment so you have the right to stay there for one month every year. Pronunciation : /’ta ɪ m ʃ eə/ 14
A p__________ holiday: A holiday in which you pay for travel, accommodation and food (even occasionally exc__________) in advance 15
A package holiday : A holiday in which you pay for travel, accommodation and food (even occasionally excursions) in advance Pronunciation : package /’pæk ɪ d ʒ / 16
A cr__________ : A holiday spent touring on a b__________, stopping off to go sight-s__________ at different po__________ 17
A cruise: A holiday spent touring on a boat, stopping off to go sight-seeing at different ports Pronunciation : /kru:z/ 18
B. Holiday brochures 19
The language of holiday br__________ is often quite exaggerated. Here are some typical adjectives with nouns that they collate with. 20
The language of holiday brochures (= a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information on a product or a company) is often quite exaggerated. Here are some typical adjectives with nouns that they collate with. Pronunciation : brochure /’brə ʊʃ ə / 21
br_______-t__________/stu__________ vie_______/scen__________/pist_____ _____ (ski slo__________) suggests that something is so magnificent that it takes your br__________ away 22
breath-taking/stunning views/scenery/pistes (ski slopes) suggests that something is so magnificent that it takes your breath away Pronunciation : /’breθ’te ɪ k ɪ ŋ/ 23
excl__________ acce__________/cl__________/shops : only the most special people can use the fac__________ 24
exclusive access/clubs/shops: only the most special people can use the facilities Pronunciation : / ɪ k’sklu:s ɪ v/ 25
exhi__________ feeling/ride/moment : makes you feel excited and full of energy 26
exhilarating feeling/ride/moment: makes you feel excited, happy and full of energy Pronunciation : / ɪ g’z ɪ ləre ɪ t ɪ ŋ/ 27
ex__________ beauty/charm/location: unusual and much more exciting than one’s everyday reality 28
exotic beauty/charm/location: unusual and much more exciting than one’s everyday reality Pronunciation : / ɪ g’z ɒ t ɪ k/ 29
glam__________ surr__________/film star/hotel : especially exciting and attractive 30
glamorous surroundings/film star/hotel: especially exciting and attractive Pronunciation : /’glæmərəs/ 31
intox__________ views/air/fragrance: makes you feel excited and emotional 32
intoxicating views/air/fragrance: makes you feel excited and emotional Pronunciation : / ɪ n’t ɒ ks ɪ ke ɪ t ɪ ŋ/ 33
leg__________ hospitality/figure/status: so special that it has been famous for some time 34
legendary hospitality/figure/status: so special that it has been famous for some time Pronunciation : /’led ʒ əndri/ 35
lux__________ cruise ship/accommodation/lifestyle : provides great comfort 36
luxurious cruise ship/accommodation/lifestyle: provides great comfort Pronunciation : /l ʌ g’ ʒʊ əriəs/ 37
migh_____ river/cathedral/oak: large and powerful 38
mighty river/cathedral/oak: large and powerful Pronunciation : /’ma ɪ ti/ 39
pict__________ streets/villages/cottage: as pretty as a picture 40
picturesque streets/villages/cottage: as pretty as a picture Pronunciation : /’p ɪ kt ʃ ə’resk/ 41
subl__________ pleasure/simplicity/skill: heavenly or divine 42
sublime pleasure/simplicity/skill: heavenly or divine Pronunciation : /sə’bla ɪ m/ 43
unsurpa__________ opportunity/beauty/quality: nothing better exists 44
unsurpassed opportunity/beauty/quality: nothing better exists Pronunciation : / ʌ nsə’p ɑ :st/ 45
unsp__________ charm/village/woodland: still in a beautiful and natural state 46
unspoilt charm/village/woodland: still in a beautiful and natural state Pronunciation : unspoilt / ʌ n’sp ɔɪ lt/ (UK), unspoiled / ʌ n’sp ɔɪ ld/ (A.E.) 47
THE END Lourdes