What’s the key to being a great parent? (choose one) Giving them freedom to be whatever they want to be (Cameron) Patience (Mitchell) Being their buddy (Phil) Stay in school (Also Phil) Don’t do drugs (Also Phil) Can you just give me the right answer? (Phil yet again) Watch 0:00 – 1:00… then do this slide EnglishCornerCafe.com
Attracted to someone else What does “Desiree” mean? Why did Phil show off how much he knew about the house she moved into? What’s the difference between an “agent” and a “mogul”? Watch 1:00 – 4:38… then do this slide Responsible enough? Why is Luke “riding a girl’s bike”? Who is Little Bo Peep? Does Phil really “put his foot down”? Who is the “Old Lady” that “don’t like it”? What does this mean: “A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do”? Meanwhile… Where are Cameron and Mitchell going? Why is Mitch worried about Cam wearing paisley and pink? What’s happening with Jay, Gloria and Manny? “I’m going to share that one with my next husband when we’re sharing all your money” EnglishCornerCafe.com
Phil and Luke Where are they? What are they doing? What do these mean? “can’t take care of that bad boy” “don’t make us look like jerks” “have three butt-loads of fun” Watch 4:38 – 9:26… then do this slide Jay, Gloria and Manny What do these mean? “If you have two stubborn burros that don’t like each other, tie them to the same cart. The fan is the cart.” “The only way he’s like superman is that they both landed in this country illegally” Mitch, Cam and Lily What is Mitch worried about? What is “an episode of the Cam show”? Why did Cameron “feel dirty”? EnglishCornerCafe.com
Phil in a Triangle Why did Desiree need Phil’s help? How does Phil feel about her? What would he not do while his wife is still alive? Why are these humorous? “If I knew a man was going to climb into my window, I would have cleaned up in there” “maybe that was your dad teaching you a lesson” What does Phil think happened to Luke’s bike? What actually happened to Luke’s bike? Why is Phil worried to see Claire? Watch 9:30 – 14:29… then do this slide Jay, Gloria and Manny Why is Gloria happy? What does Manny mean:“He can get the wheels off a car in under a minute”? Why is Manny unhappy? EnglishCornerCafe.com
Phil in a Triangle Who said these? How did they feel when these things were said? “Where were you when it got stolen?” “you don’t need to hide things from me” “put it in my garage when you were in my bedroom” Watch 14:30 – 18:40… then do this slide and the next Toddler Time! Who said these? How did they feel when these things were said? “pick up the block lily” “meryl streep could play batman and be the right choice” “is henry stacking?” “would you like a video tape? … we tape all our classes!” “I just stole a baby’s intellectual property” “I want to dance for my baby” “Make that horsey move” EnglishCornerCafe.com
All’s well that ends well Who calls Jay? What does he say? Why does that make Jay angry? Why couldn’t Javier come? What does Jay tell Manny? Do you agree or disagree with Jay? “The key to being a good dad? Sometimes things work out just the way you want them to. Sometimes they don’t. You gotta hang in there. Because when all is said and done, 90% of being a dad is just showing up.” EnglishCornerCafe.com Watch the end
What’s he talking about? “She couldn’t forgive herself. And she had to choose…if I had to choose Lily or Mitchell, I would choose… I don’t know! I don’t know!” EnglishCornerCafe.com
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