3rd Nordic Marketing Conference, Workshop Report Workshop 6 Marketing Research of the Market Potential of Statistical Products and Services. Business Intelligence
Participants of the workshop Per Thörn SCB Tuula Hausmann SF Mr. Mikael Pedersen DSt Anne Nuka StatEst Gundega Gajevska StatLat Daina Gulbe StatLat Désirée Vikse SSB Lisbeth Andersson SCB Riitta Kaisio, SF Tomas Thorén SCB Ulla-Maarit Saarinen SF
Main Topics Discussed Presentation of Statistics Statistics Finland’s Business Intelligence System (SI) Focus on monitoring the operating environment necessary for Statistics Finland’s management and particularly for strategic decision-making To help to set strategic targets, re-evaluate strategy and attain strategic goals Co-operation with an external operator Production of content has been divided between the external operator and Statistics Finland
1) Politics / Public administration 5) Critical / Strategic themes 2) EU/ international 3) Information market 4) Resources Market signals Reviews & analysis Strategic document s Relevant news sources, business news services, www- pages etc. Theme- and market analysis, documents, benchmarking reports, briefings etc. Scenarios, strategy- documents etc. Information architecture of the SI- system of Statistics Finland
Main Topics Discussed The Finnish system is the most developed, although all countries have some systems with a similar aim The market and financing situation is different for the participating countries
Other Topics Discussed EU-contracts - do we have knowledge? And the potential? Big money and tailor made services Customer competence varies Invoice register or customer database?
Main Conclusions and Recommendations (1) We don´t know enough about the customers All official statistics should be made available for free and we should concentrate on value added services We need to improve the internal co- operation as well as build customer/market focused systems