1 st prize
Systems is my favorite class. It is easy and fun. Psychology class isn ’ t hard. It can be enjoyable. We do not get to do online discussion there. I love to work online. I just wrote a new discussion response. Here it is! Systems is my favorite class; it is easy and fun. Psychology class isn ’ t hard, and it can be enjoyable, but we do not get to do online discussion there. I love to work online; in fact, I just wrote a new discussion response, so here it is! My Essay
3 Ways to Make Compound Sentences JJoin two sentences with a comma and a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) FOR AND NOR BUT OR YET SO JJoin two complete sentences with a semicolon JJoin two complete sentences with a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb or transitional expression
1. To get rid of short, choppy sentences, call in the FANBOYS!
Punctuation with FANBOYS Put commas before FANBOYS, not after. Don ’ t use comma if there is only a piece of a complete sentence on either side. I love writing essays and studying grammar. Do use comma when there is a complete sentence on both sides of FANBOYS. I love writing essays, and I love studying grammar.
2. To get rid of short, choppy sentences, use a semicolon ; Semicolons act like periods; they bring a sentence to a full stop. Semicolons don ’ t act like commas. Semicolons are much stronger than commas. They can keep two whole sentences apart! ;,
3. To get rid of short, choppy sentences, use a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb or transitional expression. When you ’ re joining two complete sentences this way, be sure to put a semicolon BEFORE the joining word and a comma AFTER. We were able to meet the proposal ’ s deadline ; however, we had to deliver it by hand. I know my grammar perfectly ; therefore, I never worry about my essay grades.
So now you know all you need to know about making compound sentences! TTo join two complete sentences, use a comma plus one of the FANBOYS FOR AND NOR BUT OR YET SO TTo join two complete sentences, use a semicolon all by itself TTo join two complete sentences, use a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb or transitional expression