Survey Results - General 85% of survey respondents were Bobby’s Burger customers. The other 15% of surveys were eliminated. We made this distinction using a screening question.
Survey Results - Cars 40% Nissan 30% Toyota 80% Sighted a preference for upper-middle class cars.
Survey Results - Clothing 75% said they do shop at J. Crew 100% said they shop at other stores
Survey Results - Groceries 60% identified Whole Foods as their grocery store of choice. Only 25% identified Trader Joe’s as their grocery preference.
Focus Group Data – Bobby’s High end burger restaurant, high quality, good ingredients, famous chef Little pricey, long line, bad service Generally positive comments from those who had eaten there before.
Focus Group Data - Car Most participants cited upper-middle class car companies when identifying their car of choice: Audi, Nissan, Toyota, etc. Participants favored luxury and high quality over low price. Reliability was also important.
Focus Group Data - Clothing J. Crew, A&F, Brooks Brothers, Vineyard Vines Department Stores: Nordstrom
Focus Group Data - Groceries Given that the participants were GW students, they all favored Whole Foods over any other store, including Trader Joe’s. Preference of Whole Foods due primarily to it’s locations. Participants also like: healthy food, high quality, organic, etc. Again, were willing to sacrifice price for quality.
Bobby’s Burger Palace Customers Customers of Bobby’s Burger Palace seem willing to sacrifice price, in favor of products and services they deem to be of high quality. Based on our focus group and survey data, we are confident that customers of Bobby’s Burger Palace do in fact drive upper-middle class cars, like Nissans and Audis, and seem to shop at J. Crew. Our finding also proved that we were incorrect in predicting Bobby’s customers as Trader Joe’s shoppers. They, in fact, tend to shop at the more convenient Whole Foods.