Multicellular Protists (algae) Primary producers “ Plant-like” seaweeds Lack true leaves, stems & roots May be filamentous, grow in mats or crusts, sheets, or kelp Phaeophyta (browns) Rhodophyta (reds) Chlorophyta (greens)
Phaeophyta Brown/yellow pigment Diverse morphologies Fast growing kelp Fucxanthin (& chl) Diverse morphologies Simple to large & complex Upto 100m Fast growing kelp 1 to 2 feet a day Important source of algin Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier in many products
Rhodophyta Red pigments Phycobilins As a group, expands to greater depths than other algae Why? Coralline algae CaCO3 in cell walls Defense and structure Encrusting Important component of coral reef environments Source of carrageenan & agar (emulsifiers & gel thickeners) Nori from Porphyra
Chorophyta Green pigments Diverse morphologies Chl a & Chl b Same as plants Diverse morphologies Filamentous Sheets Spongy Calcareous Important component of coral reef environments
Kingdom Plantae Photoautotrophs Mostly terrestrial, few have adapted to marine environments Seagrasses Eelgrass (subtidal), surf grass (rocky intertidal; surf zone) Provides home and protection to many spp. Cordgrasses Tolerant land plants Salt marsh habitats Mangroves Tolerant tropical trees & shrubs Provides habitat & protection for many tropical estuarine & intertidal spp.